Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958)

Creator details

Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958)

Assets (49 in total)

'When will the crisis end?', front cover of 'Lectures Pour Tous' magazine, October 1931 (colour litho)
Recruitment poster for the French colonial forces (colour litho)
Life of Ferdinand Foch
Life of Ferdinand Foch
Life of Ferdinand Foch
Life of Ferdinand Foch
Life of Ferdinand Foch
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) at Sorbonne university in Paris (Honorary degree) on november 26, 1921, drawing by Dutriac
Cover by Dutriac of novel
First World War: French soldiers having taken their neighborhood in the stables, Champagne, 1917
First World War: a group of French soldiers equipping themselves with gas masks approaching a risk zone, Champagne, 1917
First World War: The Return to Paris of the First Permissionaries Decorating Medals, at the Arms of Their Wife, Under the Admiratif Eye of Children, 1915

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