Albertini, Giorgio Assets (249 in total)

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Reconstruction of the castle Nelson (Ducea Nelson), built in 1173, which Ferdinand III of Sicily offered to Admiral Horatio Nelson in 1799, in Bronte near Catania in Sicily, Italy Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees).
Reconstruction of the castle Nelson (Ducea Nelson), built in 1173, which Ferdinand III of Sicily offered to Admiral Horatio Nelson in 1799, in Bronte near Catania in Sicily, Italy Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees).

BTI4892235: Reconstruction of the castle Nelson (Ducea Nelson), built in 1173, which Ferdinand III of Sicily offered to Admiral Horatio Nelson in 1799, in Bronte near Catania in Sicily, Italy Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Costumes of prostitutes and gigolos with provocative attitudes and different styles.
Costumes of prostitutes and gigolos with provocative attitudes and different styles.

BTI4894213: Costumes of prostitutes and gigolos with provocative attitudes and different styles., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Byzantine Empire: reconstruction of a Yassi ada, commercial ship of the 6th century.
Byzantine Empire: reconstruction of a Yassi ada, commercial ship of the 6th century.

BTI4894288: Byzantine Empire: reconstruction of a Yassi ada, commercial ship of the 6th century., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: Egyptian baths and baths in the Hellenistic period (4th-1st century BC).
Egyptian antiquite: Egyptian baths and baths in the Hellenistic period (4th-1st century BC).

BTI4893742: Egyptian antiquite: Egyptian baths and baths in the Hellenistic period (4th-1st century BC)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Middle Ages: view of the fortified town of Bagnara di Romagna at the end of the 15th century. Italy
Middle Ages: view of the fortified town of Bagnara di Romagna at the end of the 15th century. Italy

BTI4893830: Middle Ages: view of the fortified town of Bagnara di Romagna at the end of the 15th century. Italy, Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Middle Ages: aerian view of Damascus, Syria, when it was part of the Ottoman Empire.
Middle Ages: aerian view of Damascus, Syria, when it was part of the Ottoman Empire.

BTI4893122: Middle Ages: aerian view of Damascus, Syria, when it was part of the Ottoman Empire., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Roman Antiquite: reconstitution of the site of the domus of the Marine Porte (domus di porta marina) in Ostia antica (ancient Ostia) in the 4th century, Italy.
Roman Antiquite: reconstitution of the site of the domus of the Marine Porte (domus di porta marina) in Ostia antica (ancient Ostia) in the 4th century, Italy.

BTI4893168: Roman Antiquite: reconstitution of the site of the domus of the Marine Porte (domus di porta marina) in Ostia antica (ancient Ostia) in the 4th century, Italy., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Middle Ages: reconstitution of a spring water fountain in central Italy in the 15th century. It is used as a washing house, watering and water point for the inhabitants of the city.
Middle Ages: reconstitution of a spring water fountain in central Italy in the 15th century. It is used as a washing house, watering and water point for the inhabitants of the city.

BTI4893194: Middle Ages: reconstitution of a spring water fountain in central Italy in the 15th century. It is used as a washing house, watering and water point for the inhabitants of the city., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Baroque art: view and architectural section of the palace Chigi a Ariccia, Lazio, in the 17th century. The interior of the family rooms and the dependencies of the servants are visible. Italy
Baroque art: view and architectural section of the palace Chigi a Ariccia, Lazio, in the 17th century. The interior of the family rooms and the dependencies of the servants are visible. Italy

BTI4893494: Baroque art: view and architectural section of the palace Chigi a Ariccia, Lazio, in the 17th century. The interior of the family rooms and the dependencies of the servants are visible. Italy, Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Etruscan civilization: reconstruction and cutting of the tomb of the Tifone (typhoon), necropolis of Tarquinia. 2nd century BC Italy
Etruscan civilization: reconstruction and cutting of the tomb of the Tifone (typhoon), necropolis of Tarquinia. 2nd century BC Italy

BTI4893520: Etruscan civilization: reconstruction and cutting of the tomb of the Tifone (typhoon), necropolis of Tarquinia. 2nd century BC Italy, Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Etruscan civilization: reconstruction and cutting of the tomb Francois de Vulci. 3rd century BC Italy
Etruscan civilization: reconstruction and cutting of the tomb Francois de Vulci. 3rd century BC Italy

BTI4893604: Etruscan civilization: reconstruction and cutting of the tomb Francois de Vulci. 3rd century BC Italy, Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Middle Ages: soldier of the Spanish light cavalry. 11th century
Middle Ages: soldier of the Spanish light cavalry. 11th century

BTI4894968: Middle Ages: soldier of the Spanish light cavalry. 11th century, Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Everyday life: evolution of stoves and food cooking systems, from left to right, antique kitchen, medieval kitchen center, right hobs and more modern stoves.
Everyday life: evolution of stoves and food cooking systems, from left to right, antique kitchen, medieval kitchen center, right hobs and more modern stoves.

BTI4895192: Everyday life: evolution of stoves and food cooking systems, from left to right, antique kitchen, medieval kitchen center, right hobs and more modern stoves., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Costumes and dresses of nuns, monks at different times.
Costumes and dresses of nuns, monks at different times.

BTI4894369: Costumes and dresses of nuns, monks at different times., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

War of the Goths (535-553) between the Byzantines and the Ostrogoths: the siege of Rome in 537, defended by the Armee of Belisaire.
War of the Goths (535-553) between the Byzantines and the Ostrogoths: the siege of Rome in 537, defended by the Armee of Belisaire.

BTI4894722: War of the Goths (535-553) between the Byzantines and the Ostrogoths: the siege of Rome in 537, defended by the Armee of Belisaire., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Guerre napoleonienne : la bataille de Trafalgar, elle opposa le 21/10/1805 la flotte franco-espagnole sous les ordres de l'amiral Villeneuve, a la flotte britannique commandee par le vice amiral Nelson. Coupe du navire permettant de voir l'interieur, les soldats tirant les coups de canon, sur le pont la mort de Nelson. Illustration de Giorgio Albertini. (L'utilisation des oeuvres de cet auteur n'est pas soumise a une demande d'autorisation a un tiers ou au paiement de droits supplementaires).
Guerre napoleonienne : la bataille de Trafalgar, elle opposa le 21/10/1805 la flotte franco-espagnole sous les ordres de l'amiral Villeneuve, a la flotte britannique commandee par le vice amiral Nelson. Coupe du navire permettant de voir l'interieur, les soldats tirant les coups de canon, sur le pont la mort de Nelson. Illustration de Giorgio Albertini. (L'utilisation des oeuvres de cet auteur n'est pas soumise a une demande d'autorisation a un tiers ou au paiement de droits supplementaires).

BTI4894777: Guerre napoleonienne : la bataille de Trafalgar, elle opposa le 21/10/1805 la flotte franco-espagnole sous les ordres de l'amiral Villeneuve, a la flotte britannique commandee par le vice amiral Nelson. Coupe du navire permettant de voir l'interieur, les soldats tirant les coups de canon, sur le pont la mort de Nelson. Illustration de Giorgio Albertini. (L'utilisation des oeuvres de cet auteur n'est pas soumise a une demande d'autorisation a un tiers ou au paiement de droits supplementaires)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Daily life Middle Ages: a meal with the Lombards, group of men attable and served by two women, 7th century.
Daily life Middle Ages: a meal with the Lombards, group of men attable and served by two women, 7th century.

BTI4894518: Daily life Middle Ages: a meal with the Lombards, group of men attable and served by two women, 7th century., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Daily life: family of the nobility during a sumptuous meal, 18th century.
Daily life: family of the nobility during a sumptuous meal, 18th century.

BTI4894545: Daily life: family of the nobility during a sumptuous meal, 18th century., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Antiquite: the king of Macedoine Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), behind him Phenician pirates (Carthaginians) whose fleets he destroyed around 332 BC.
Antiquite: the king of Macedoine Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), behind him Phenician pirates (Carthaginians) whose fleets he destroyed around 332 BC.

BTI4894584: Antiquite: the king of Macedoine Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), behind him Phenician pirates (Carthaginians) whose fleets he destroyed around 332 BC., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Romanesque art: description of the construction stages with sections allowing to see the progress of the construction site and the interior, of the Abbey of St. Vincent de Galliano, including the Basilica of San Vincenzo (Saint Vincent) and the Baptistere di San Giovanni Battista (Saint John the Baptist). 10th century Cantu, Italy Illustration of Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees).
Romanesque art: description of the construction stages with sections allowing to see the progress of the construction site and the interior, of the Abbey of St. Vincent de Galliano, including the Basilica of San Vincenzo (Saint Vincent) and the Baptistere di San Giovanni Battista (Saint John the Baptist). 10th century Cantu, Italy Illustration of Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees).

BTI4891368: Romanesque art: description of the construction stages with sections allowing to see the progress of the construction site and the interior, of the Abbey of St. Vincent de Galliano, including the Basilica of San Vincenzo (Saint Vincent) and the Baptistere di San Giovanni Battista (Saint John the Baptist). 10th century Cantu, Italy Illustration of Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Ancient Rome: reconstruction of a construction site of an arch in the 1st century AD. The workers hoist the marble blocks with scaffolding and pulleys. Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees).
Ancient Rome: reconstruction of a construction site of an arch in the 1st century AD. The workers hoist the marble blocks with scaffolding and pulleys. Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees).

BTI4891632: Ancient Rome: reconstruction of a construction site of an arch in the 1st century AD. The workers hoist the marble blocks with scaffolding and pulleys. Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Aerian view of the city of Guimaraes: on the left the castle and monastery built in the 11th century. Portugal. Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees).
Aerian view of the city of Guimaraes: on the left the castle and monastery built in the 11th century. Portugal. Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees).

BTI4891671: Aerian view of the city of Guimaraes: on the left the castle and monastery built in the 11th century. Portugal. Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Middle Ages: knight in armor of the French armor of the 14th century.
Middle Ages: knight in armor of the French armor of the 14th century.

BTI4895408: Middle Ages: knight in armor of the French armor of the 14th century., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Middle Ages: soldier of the Varangian guard (or varegue guard), elite corps of the Byzantine army, 11th century.
Middle Ages: soldier of the Varangian guard (or varegue guard), elite corps of the Byzantine army, 11th century.

BTI4895491: Middle Ages: soldier of the Varangian guard (or varegue guard), elite corps of the Byzantine army, 11th century., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Middle Ages: Mongolian knight of the 13th century.
Middle Ages: Mongolian knight of the 13th century.

BTI4895670: Middle Ages: Mongolian knight of the 13th century., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Middle Ages: Moseful craftsmen working in the construction sites of Byzantine churches in Ravenna, 6th century.
Middle Ages: Moseful craftsmen working in the construction sites of Byzantine churches in Ravenna, 6th century.

BTI4896373: Middle Ages: Moseful craftsmen working in the construction sites of Byzantine churches in Ravenna, 6th century., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Evolution of the art of writing, offices and writings: from left to right, a scribe in ancient Egypt, the antiquite then the medieval scriptorium (copist monk), an explorer navigator working in his office, an office in the style of Louis XIV (17th century French), and in the style of Louis XVI (Marie Antoinette sitting with a gueridon, desk has a cylinder). lustration by Giorgio Albertini.
Evolution of the art of writing, offices and writings: from left to right, a scribe in ancient Egypt, the antiquite then the medieval scriptorium (copist monk), an explorer navigator working in his office, an office in the style of Louis XIV (17th century French), and in the style of Louis XVI (Marie Antoinette sitting with a gueridon, desk has a cylinder). lustration by Giorgio Albertini.

BTI4896378: Evolution of the art of writing, offices and writings: from left to right, a scribe in ancient Egypt, the antiquite then the medieval scriptorium (copist monk), an explorer navigator working in his office, an office in the style of Louis XIV (17th century French), and in the style of Louis XVI (Marie Antoinette sitting with a gueridon, desk has a cylinder). lustration by Giorgio Albertini., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Hittite rite: funerary ceremony among the Hittites, the defunct are buried with objects, 2nd millennium BC. llustration of Giorgio Albertini.
Hittite rite: funerary ceremony among the Hittites, the defunct are buried with objects, 2nd millennium BC. llustration of Giorgio Albertini.

BTI4896384: Hittite rite: funerary ceremony among the Hittites, the defunct are buried with objects, 2nd millennium BC. llustration of Giorgio Albertini., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Middle Ages: ostrogoth soldier of the 6th century.
Middle Ages: ostrogoth soldier of the 6th century.

BTI4895736: Middle Ages: ostrogoth soldier of the 6th century., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Middle Ages: a Hungarian rider of the 9th century.
Middle Ages: a Hungarian rider of the 9th century.

BTI4896139: Middle Ages: a Hungarian rider of the 9th century., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Medievale fashion: lady's costume of the 13th century.
Medievale fashion: lady's costume of the 13th century.

BTI4989386: Medievale fashion: lady's costume of the 13th century., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Ancient Rome: workers working on the floor of a building under construction using the technique of Opus sectile, using pieces of marble of different colors to compose geometric patterns. (The use of this author's works is not subject to a request for permission from a third party or to the payment of additional fees).
Ancient Rome: workers working on the floor of a building under construction using the technique of Opus sectile, using pieces of marble of different colors to compose geometric patterns. (The use of this author's works is not subject to a request for permission from a third party or to the payment of additional fees).

BTI5041047: Ancient Rome: workers working on the floor of a building under construction using the technique of Opus sectile, using pieces of marble of different colors to compose geometric patterns. (The use of this author's works is not subject to a request for permission from a third party or to the payment of additional fees)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Barbare : guerrier vandale et wisigoth (vandal and visigoth soldiers) Illustration de Giorgio Albertini. (L'utilisation des oeuvres de cet auteur n'est pas soumise a une demande d'autorisation a un tiers ou au paiement de droits supplementaires).
Barbare : guerrier vandale et wisigoth (vandal and visigoth soldiers) Illustration de Giorgio Albertini. (L'utilisation des oeuvres de cet auteur n'est pas soumise a une demande d'autorisation a un tiers ou au paiement de droits supplementaires).

BTI5041049: Barbare : guerrier vandale et wisigoth (vandal and visigoth soldiers) Illustration de Giorgio Albertini. (L'utilisation des oeuvres de cet auteur n'est pas soumise a une demande d'autorisation a un tiers ou au paiement de droits supplementaires)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Barbarian: an Alain warrior (alan soldier)
Barbarian: an Alain warrior (alan soldier)

BTI5041052: Barbarian: an Alain warrior (alan soldier), Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Barbarian: warrior ostrogoth (ostrogoth soldier, germanic tribal confederation)
Barbarian: warrior ostrogoth (ostrogoth soldier, germanic tribal confederation)

BTI5041054: Barbarian: warrior ostrogoth (ostrogoth soldier, germanic tribal confederation), Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

Barbarian: a Hun warrior, a Goth warrior and a Roman soldier
Barbarian: a Hun warrior, a Goth warrior and a Roman soldier

BTI5041058: Barbarian: a Hun warrior, a Goth warrior and a Roman soldier, Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images

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