BTI4891415: Middle Ages: overview, and cross section reconstructing the palace of Charlemagne (ca. 742-814) realized by the architect Eudes de Metz around 794 in Aachen (Aachen) Germany. Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images
BTI4893379: Antiquite: structure of the elevator, ancestor of the elevator, operated by men, in the amphitheatre (colisee) of Flavius (Anfiteatro Flavio) in Pozzuoli (Pozzuoli), 1st to 4th century. The lion's cage is raised so that the beast can enter the arena., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images
BTI4893086: Middle Ages: aerial view of the Krak (Crac) of the Knights (Qala'at el Husn or Qala'at al Hosn), castle built around 1100 by Raymond IV of Toulouse, known as Raymond de Saint Gilles, Count of Toulouse and Tripoli (Raymond I) (1042-1105) in the 13th century in Syria., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images
BTI4891982: Middle Ages: air view representing workers working in the marble quarries of Carrara (Carrara) in the 15th century. The different steps are represented, extraction, block size, transport. Italy Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images
BTI4892111: Middle Ages: reconstitution of a monastery and the life of nuns or monks. The cuts allow you to see the inner scenes. Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images
BTI4892211: Islam: The house of the Prophete Muhammad (Muhammad or Muhammad) (570-632) after his arrival in Medine in 622, accompanied the first Muslims (Hegira), Saudi Arabia The prophete is visible, his face covered. Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images
BTI4891768: Middle Ages: reconstitution of a lime kiln (chaufour), workers work limestone. Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images
BTI4891802: Middle Ages: a construction site in a region of northern France in the 14th century, carpenters and carpenters work the wooden structure of a barn. Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images
BTI4894798: Guerre napoleonienne : la bataille de Trafalgar, elle opposa le 21/10/1805 la flotte franco-espagnole sous les ordres de l'amiral Villeneuve, a la flotte britannique commandee par le vice amiral Nelson. Coupe du navire permettant de voir l'interieur, les soldats tirant les coups de canon, sur le pont la mort de Nelson. Illustration de Giorgio Albertini. (L'utilisation des oeuvres de cet auteur n'est pas soumise a une demande d'autorisation a un tiers ou au paiement de droits supplementaires)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images
BTI4891725: Ancient Greece: reconstitution of the shop of a shoemaker (saver) in Athenes in the 5th century BC: the philosopher Socrates is represented there in discussion with his fellow citizens. Greece Illustration by Giorgio Albertini. (The use of this author's works is not subject to an application for authorization from a third party or to the payment of additional fees)., Albertini, Giorgio / Bridgeman Images