Beccafumi, Domenico (1484-1551) Assets (142 in total)
The birth of the Virgin. Detail showing a maid with the new born, circa 1540-1543 (painting on wood), Beccafumi, Domenico (1484-1551) / Bridgeman Images
The descent of Christ to limbo. Detail of a young man's face plunges into the dark and gaze towards the sky. 1530-1535 (painting on wood), Beccafumi, Domenico (1484-1551) / Bridgeman Images
Virgin Announced (Vergine annunciata), by Domenico di Giacomo di Pace known as Domenico Beccafumi, 1545, 16th Century, polychromed earthenware, 126 cm, Beccafumi, Domenico (1484-1551) / Bridgeman Images
Altarpiece of the stigmas of St. Catherine: the saint receiving the Eucharist of an angel. Detail of the Predelle, 1513-1515 (painting on wood), Beccafumi, Domenico (1484-1551) / Bridgeman Images
Triptych of the Trinity: Saint Cosimo and Saint John the Baptist. Detail left panel, 1513 (painting on wood), Beccafumi, Domenico (1484-1551) / Bridgeman Images
The conciliation of the Roman consul Marcus Fulvius Flaccus and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus around 126 BC. 1529-1535 (fresco), Beccafumi, Domenico (1484-1551) / Bridgeman Images