LRI4601510: The sacrifice of Seleucos de Locres (Seleucus de Locride) Seleucos to blind his son, in order to punish him for a raping he had committed, prefere to die one of his eyes. Fresco by Domenico di Giacomo di Pace dit Beccafumi (1486-1551) 1529-1535 Siena, Palazzo Pubblico, Beccafumi, Domenico (1484-1551) / Bridgeman Images
LRI4601858: The oath of Marcus Atilius Regulus (Il giuramento di Marco Attilio Regolo). The Roman consul swore to the Carthaginians that he would return to Carthage if he did not obtain the cessation of fighting in the Roman Senate during the first Punic War. Fresco by Domenico Beccafumi (1486-1551) 1524-1530 Sun. 1,00x1,30 m Siena, Palazzo Casini Casuccini, Beccafumi, Domenico (1484-1551) / Bridgeman Images
LRI4601504: Friesland: the sacrifice of Codros king of Athens, detail. Greek mythology: Codros (or Codrus) learning from an oracle that the advantage of war between the Dorians and the Athenians would belong to those whose leader would be killed, voluntarily devoured himself by fighting in the middle of the melee to find death. Painting by Domenico Beccafumi (1486-1551), 1529-1535. Fresco. italy, Siena, Public Palace (Siena, Palazzo Pubblico), Beccafumi, Domenico (1484-1551) / Bridgeman Images
LRI4601377: Moses breaking the tables of the law. The Hebrew people in worship before the golden calf look frightened the anger of Moses, who dare to break the tables on which the 10 commandments are inscribed. Painting by Domenico Beccafumi (1486-1551), 1537. Oil on wood. Dim: 197x139cm. Italy, Cathedrale of Pisa (Pisa, Duomo), Beccafumi, Domenico (1484-1551) / Bridgeman Images