Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) Assets (3945 in total)
A view of a man in a rowing boat on a lake fishing and accompanied by dogs, fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A man stands at the edge of a fast flowing river fishing and surrounded by trees, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A view of a man having just caught a fish in a lake, in the background are snow covered fells, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A view of a man standing at a rocky weir in the River Lune, fishing with a rod and a net, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Two people, possibly a man and a woman, fishing in a lake, building in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Geese and chickens in the snow at Middle Fell Place in Great Langdale, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Rowing boat on water at Grasmere with shore and (Banerigg?) Guest House to right of image, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Grasmere church; architecture; religious; ecclesiastical; viewed from garden with deep snow on ground, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Procession of young girls carrying flowers for rushbearing festival at Ambleside, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Group of young walkers coming up track towards camera with Grasmere Lake and Silver Howe behind, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Rider on horseback, Mr Gordon Wordsworth who is Great Great Grandson of William Wordsworth, with car and road and Grasmere church; architecture; religious; ecclesiastical; to left of image, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Loweswater church; architecture; religious; ecclesiastical; and Hound and Hare Inn and Loweswater in distance, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Cows grazing at Loweswater with lake and fells in background and church; architecture; religious; ecclesiastical; and Pub in foreground, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Sheep in field near to lane and buildings, including Gillerthwaite House, with fells in background, Loweswater, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Women hanging out washing, surrounded by daffodils and chickens, building and fells in background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Cows lying in field near to lane and Gillerthwaite House with fells in background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
People, cows and tent at Agricultural Show with parked cars, fells and lake in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
The Hounds and Hare Inn and church; architecture; religious; ecclesiastical; at Loweswater with fells in background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Blossom tree in foreground with Coniston water and Village beyond with steamer at jetty, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Sheep with lambs standing next to farmhouse with two farm workers behind, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images