Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972)

Creator details

Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972)

Assets (3945 in total)

A view of a woman walking down a road carrying two buckets, fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo)
Sheep grazing in field in front of Cartmel Priory, 1930s-60s (b/w photo)
Otterhounds and handler looking towards camera, 1930s-60s (b/w photo)
A woman stands next to a tree with her back to the camera looking out towards Yew Tree Farm, 1930s-60s (b/w photo)
A view of two sculpted figures on pediments in the Italian styled gardens of Yew Tree Farm at Reagill, which was known locally as 'The Image Garden', 1930s-60s (b/w photo)
A view of a farmer herding cows down a lane possibly towards a farm, woman to right of image, 1930s-60s (b/w photo)
View of statues and sculptures, 1930s-60s (b/w photo)
Morris dancers at Morecambe, 1930s-60s (b/w photo)
A view of the stone circle 'Long Meg and her daughters' (Long Meg not visible in image), 1930s-60s (b/w photo)
Woman standing next to a bicycle on the pavement of road looking at view of Elterwater village and Langdale Fells, 1930s-60s (b/w photo)
Hill Top with field in foreground and mountains in distance, 1930s-60s (b/w photo)
Tents and cars at Grasmere campsite with lake behind, 1930s-60s (b/w photo)

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