A group of people gathering fruit off the hedgerows, a building and farmland in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Two women stand next to a boat landing on a lake, fells in background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A man and woman 'pushing-off' in a rowing boat on a lake at Ennerdale, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A group of sheep and lambs in a field near to a lake, snow capped fells in background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A woman standing on a boat landing looking out across a lake, a boat on the lake with two men in and fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
View across a lake with boats moored up alongside a lakeside building, woodland and hills in background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
View across a lake with boats on, hills and woodland surrounding lake, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Five horse riders make their way up a road (facing the camera and in a line), 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
View across farmland with stacks of hay in a field and a roadsign in foreground at Cartmel Fell, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A boy and girl play with a donkey whilst a shepherd/farmer and his sheepdog control a flock of geese, farm and fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Two men and a woman who appear to be returning from a hunt, one man is carrying a dead fox and they are surrounded by fox hounds at their feet, snow capped fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
In the foreground is a stone bridge over a stream, in the background are a lake and fells, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A view of in the foreground, cattle and a lady walking with children, in the background a farm and fells, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A view of two shepherds with their dogs, standing with a flock of sheep and lambs, in the background are a bridge and fells, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
View of a group of men and women using buckets and ladders to collect fruit of trees, on the ground are chickens and dogs, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A child stands with its finger in its mouth holding onto some flowers (possibly lillies), 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A parade called 'Rush Bearing' in the street, adults and children walking in line holding rushes, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Two men and a woman walking down a lane at Birk Howe, a fourth man looks on from in shrubbery (to the right of the image), 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A view of what appears to be a village at Birk Howe, in the foreground is a man walking two dogs, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Two female walkers in front of Yew Tree Farm fussing a dog, in the foreground is a lady and in the background are fells, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A farmer/shepherd herds a flock of sheep in front of Yew Tree Farm, fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A shepherd/farmer and his dog, tend to a flock of sheep and lambs, in the background is Yew Tree Farm and fells, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A view of Yew Tree Farm, there are both people and chickens roaming about the farm, fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A woman carrying a bucket walks up the road to Yew Tree Farm, fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images