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PNY129096: Search, from the series 'Horrors of the Revolution', 1926-1927 (black ink and wash on paper), Orozco, Jose Clemente (1883-1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PNY129096
Search, from the series 'Horrors of the Revolution', 1926-1927 (black ink and wash on paper)
Orozco, Jose Clemente (1883-1949)
XAL62396: Dive bomber and Tank, 1940 (fresco), Orozco, Jose Clemente (1883-1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XAL62396
Dive bomber and Tank, 1940 (fresco)
BAL33581: Ancient Human Sacrifice. from The Epic of the American Civilization, 1932-34 (mural), Orozco, Jose Clemente (1883-1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BAL33581
Ancient Human Sacrifice. from The Epic of the American Civilization, 1932-34 (mural)
BAL33592: Modern Human Sacrifice, Orozco, Jose Clemente (1883-1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BAL33592
Modern Human Sacrifice
BAL33593: Modern Industrial Man, from The Epic of American Civilization, 1932-34 (mural), Orozco, Jose Clemente (1883-1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BAL33593
Modern Industrial Man, from The Epic of American Civilization, 1932-34 (mural)
BAL33599: Decorative Panel III, from The Epic of American Civilization, 1932-34 (mural), Orozco, Jose Clemente (1883-1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BAL33599
Decorative Panel III, from The Epic of American Civilization, 1932-34 (mural)
ALM283444: Mexican House, 1929 (oil on canvas), Orozco, Jose Clemente (1883-1949) / Bridgeman Images
ID: ALM283444
Mexican House, 1929 (oil on canvas)