The Princess and the old woman with the spinning wheel, illustration for 'Sleeping Beauty' by Charles Perrault (1628-1703) (colour engraving), Crane, Walter (1845-1915) / Bridgeman Images
Pandora desires to open the box, illustration from 'A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys' by Nathanial Hawthorne, 1852 (colour litho), Crane, Walter (1845-1915) / Bridgeman Images
King Arthur's Knights by Henry Gilbert, 'Perceval obtains the shield of the beating heart, 1911 (illustration), Crane, Walter (1845-1915) / Bridgeman Images
Don Quixote meeting Cardenio, illustration from 'Don Quixote of the Mancha' retold by Judge Parry, pub. Blackie & Son Ltd, London, 1900 (colour litho), Crane, Walter (1845-1915) / Bridgeman Images
Perseus and the Graia, illustration from 'A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys' by Nathanial Hawthorne, 1852 (colour litho), Crane, Walter (1845-1915) / Bridgeman Images
The Oak and the Reeds; the Fir and the Bramble, from 'The Baby's Own Aesop', 1887 (colour litho), Crane, Walter (1845-1915) / Bridgeman Images