Crane, Walter (1845-1915)

Creator details

Crane, Walter (1845-1915)
Walter Crane (b.1845 d.1915) was an English artist known for his illustrations of children’s books. His most popular illustrations are those for Edmund Spenser’s Faerie Queene. Crane was heavily inspired by the works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and of Japanese colour prints. In 1888 he founded the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. He went on to design Art Nouveau textiles and wallpaper. His illustrations were highly influential in shaping the direction of children’s illustrated literature.

Assets (691 in total)

Neptune's Horses, illustration for 'The Greek Mythological Legend', published in London, 1910 (colour litho) (see also 169595)
'Swan, Rush & Iris' Wallpaper Design (w/c on paper)
Neptune's Horses, 1892 (oil on canvas)
Tile design of heron and fish (w/c on paper)
'Little Red Riding Hood', the wolf accosting her in the forest
At Home: A Portrait, 1872 (tempera on paper)
The Seasons
King Arthur pulls the sword from the stone.
Pandora opens the box, illustration for 'The Greek Mythological Legend', published in 1910 (colour litho)
The Fate of Persephone, 1877 (oil & tempera on canvas)
In earliest times a simple foot-race was the only event, illustration from The Story of Greece by Mary Macgregor, 1st edition, 1913 (colour print)
Illustration from 'Beauty and the Beast', c.1900 (colour litho)

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