Annunciatory Angel, 1450-55 (gold leaf and tempera on wood panel) (see also 139312), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
The Last Judgement, detail of Satan devouring the damned in hell, c.1431 (oil on panel), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
The Resurrection of Christ and the Pious Women at the Sepulchre, 1442 (fresco), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
The Forerunners of Christ with Saints and Martyrs, 1423-24 (egg tempera on wood), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
Virgin Annunciate, 1450-55 (gold leaf and tempera on wood panel) (see also 139311), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
The Last Judgement, detail of Hell, c.1431 (tempera on panel), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
Coronation of the Virgin, c.1430-32 (tempera on panel) (for detail see 93858), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
The Last Judgement, altarpiece from Santa Maria degli Angioli, c.1431 (oil on panel), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
The Annunciation (Cortona Altarpiece), c.1438 (tempera on panel), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
Adam and Eve Expelled from Paradise, detail from the Annunciation, c.1430-32 (oil on panel), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
The Coronation of the Virgin, c.1440 (tempera on panel), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
Nativity, with St. Catherine of Alexandria and St. Peter the Martyr, 1442 (fresco), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven, 1423-24 (tempera on panel) (for detail see 90799), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
The Coronation of the Virgin, detail of St. Dominic giving back the book to the the Albigensians, c.1430-32 (tempera on panel), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
Deposition from the Cross, detail of the Virgin Mary, 1436 (tempera & gold on panel), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
St. Anthony Abbot Shunning the Mass of Gold, 1430s (tempera and gold leaf on panel), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
Angel beating a drum from the Linaiuoli Triptych, 1433 (tempera on panel) (detail of 75621), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven, detail of musical angels from the right hand side, 1419-35 (tempera on panel) (detail of 4052), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
The Virgin and Child with SS Dominic and Thomas Aquinas, 1424-30 (fresco), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
The Madonna delle Ombre, detail of St. Dominic, 1450 (fresco), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
The Dormition and the Assumption of the Virgin, c.1430 (gold & tempera on panel), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
St. Dominic and his Companions Fed by Angels, from the predella panel of the Coronation of the Virgin, c.1430-32 (tempera on panel), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
The Mocking of Christ with the Virgin and St. Dominic, 1442 (fresco), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
Angel Playing a Trumpet, detail from the Linaiuoli Triptych, 1433 (tempera on panel), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
Ms 558 f.21v Historiated initial depicting the Conversion of St. Paul, detail from a missal, early 1430s (vellum), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images
Visitation, from the predella of the Annunciation Alterpiece, c.1430-32 (tempera & gold on panel), Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro/Giovanni da Fiesole) (c.1387-1455) / Bridgeman Images