Consecration of the Italian Third Army cemetery on the Hill of St Elia, Redipuglia (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
China: To deter robbers, Shanghai police circulate in the streets with prisoners sentenced to death. Drawing by Alfredo Ortelli. Illustrazione del popolo, 1926., Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Transatlantic liners hit icebergs coming down from the polar regions with great frequency. Cover of ""L'illustrazione del popolo"" dated 15/07/1923, illustrated by Alfredo Ortelli., Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
La destinée tragique du dirigeable Roma qui a explosé à Norfolk aux Etats Unis. Ill. d'Alfredo Ortelli. Illustrazione del popolo, 1923., Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Représentation théâtrale de Phédre mis en scène par Gabriele D'Annunzio (1863 - 1938) sur le site du stade du mont Palatin. Ill. d'Alfredo Ortelli. Illustrazione del popolo. 5/11/1922., Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
In England, the Bishop Storlord Cricket Club celebrated its 100th anniversary with a party in period costume. Ill. by Alfredo Ortelli. Illustrazione del popolo, 1925., Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Dramatic rescue of a 15 year-old student who went to the aid of two young women in difficulty in the water off the Lido of Venice (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
A car carrying the reliquary of St Theresa of Lisieux in a procession from the Convent of Carmel to Lisieux Cathedral (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Italian troops landing in Naples after returning from the occupation of Corfu (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Funeral procession in Rome of General Enrico Tellini and other members of the Italian Mission to Epirus (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
11th winter meeting of the student section of the Italian Alpine Club at Limone, Piedmont (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
18 ton statue of Pope Pius X being transported to St Peter's Basilica in Rome by ox cart (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Prince Umberto of Italy attending a ceremony in his honour at the University of Turin (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Mounted police trying to remove spectators who had spilled onto the pitch during the first FA Cup Final to be played at Wembley Stadium (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Rescue of two men from a boat which caught fire during a speedboat race in Monaco harbour (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Christmas celebrations on board US Navy warships anchored at the piers of Brooklyn, New York (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images