Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) Assets (103 in total)
The Wall Street 'Crash' 29 October 1929, First page of the Italian newspaper Illustrazione del Popolo, November 1929 (engraving), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
The opening of the sarcophagus of Pharaoh Tutankhamun by Howard Carter in Luxor in 1924. Discovery of Tutankhamun's treasure. Cover of ""L'illustrazione del popolo""., Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Car rally on the day of St Christopher, patron saint of motorists, at Saint-Cristophe, near Argentan, France (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Painting of the faces of sacred elephants before a religious ceremony in India (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Mountaineering meeting for men and women in the valley of Gura in the Graian Alps (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
New York firefighters using new high pressure pumps to be able to fight fires high up in skyscrapers (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Four young men swept away by the torrent while trying to gather driftwood from the River Toce in northern Italy after a storm (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Re-enactment of 18th Century life in the gardens of the Villa Pisani at Stra, near Venice (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Serious crash during a 100 kilometre cycling race at a velodrome in New York (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
American stuntwoman Jackie Carvan jumping into a tank of water on horseback from a height of 25 metres (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
A car crashing into the harbour at Marseilles after a mistake by the driver (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images