Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) Assets (226 in total)
"And I will die a hundred thousand deaths ere break the smallest parcel of this vow" (King Henry IV), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
"Read o'er this .an dthen to brekfast with what appetite you have" (King Henry VIII), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
Cowards die many times before their deaths: The valiant never taste of death but once" (Julius Caesar), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (photo), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
The ambassadors (Jean de Dinteville (1504-1555) and Georges de Selve (1506-1541)), 1533 (oil on wood), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
Illuminated "O" from the 1518 Basel third edition of 'Utopia' by Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) first published in 1516. Woodcut by Hans Holbein the Younger (c.1497-1543) showing putti fighting., Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
Edward Stafford 3rd Duke of Buckingham (1478 1521) founder of the Magdalen College at Cambridge decapited for treason in 1521 (engraving), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
Design for a glass painting, c.1520 (pen and grey wash with black chalk on paper), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
"Come hither nurse. What is yond gentleman?" (Romeo and Juliet), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (photo), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
"I, not I, never gave you aught (Hamlet), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
"Nothing my Lord, from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
"Why did you throw your wedded lady from you?" (Cymbeline), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
Illuminated "V" from the 1518 Basel third edition of 'Utopia' by Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) first published in 1516. Woodcut by Hans Holbein the Younger (c.1497-1543), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
"Mens evil manners live in brass: there virtues we write in water" (King Henry VIII), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
"Pity you ancient stones, those tender babes whom envy hath immun'd within your walls" (King Richard III), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
"O! never shall sun that morrow see" (MacBeth), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images
"No! who's here? If anything that's civil speak" (Cymbeline), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images