Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) Assets (226 in total)

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IL3435428: "And I will die a hundred thousand deaths ere break the smallest parcel of this vow" (King Henry IV), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

IL3435433: "Read o'er this….an dthen to brekfast with what appetite you have" (King Henry VIII), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Cowards die many times before their deaths: The valiant never taste of death but once
Cowards die many times before their deaths: The valiant never taste of death but once

IL3435435: Cowards die many times before their deaths: The valiant never taste of death but once" (Julius Caesar), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (photo), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam, c.1530 (oil on wood)
Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam, c.1530 (oil on wood)

XOS3956455: Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam, c.1530 (oil on wood), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

The Empress from Dance of Death (Lyons), 1538, 1523-1526
The Empress from Dance of Death (Lyons), 1538, 1523-1526

MNS883316: The Empress from Dance of Death (Lyons), 1538, 1523-1526, Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

The Judge from Dance of Death (Lyons), 1538, 1523-1526
The Judge from Dance of Death (Lyons), 1538, 1523-1526

MNS883317: The Judge from Dance of Death (Lyons), 1538, 1523-1526, Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of King Henry VIIIof England, c.1540 (charcoal)
Portrait of King Henry VIIIof England, c.1540 (charcoal)

FIA5402712: Portrait of King Henry VIIIof England, c.1540 (charcoal), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

The ambassadors (Jean de Dinteville (1504-1555) and Georges de Selve (1506-1541)), 1533 (oil on wood)
The ambassadors (Jean de Dinteville (1504-1555) and Georges de Selve (1506-1541)), 1533 (oil on wood)

FIA5378962: The ambassadors (Jean de Dinteville (1504-1555) and Georges de Selve (1506-1541)), 1533 (oil on wood), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images


AFF5615731: Illuminated "O" from the 1518 Basel third edition of 'Utopia' by Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) first published in 1516. Woodcut by Hans Holbein the Younger (c.1497-1543) showing putti fighting., Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Two Views of a Woman wearing an English Hood, c.1528-30 (pen & ink on paper)
Two Views of a Woman wearing an English Hood, c.1528-30 (pen & ink on paper)

BAL11867: Two Views of a Woman wearing an English Hood, c.1528-30 (pen & ink on paper), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Edward Stafford 3rd Duke of Buckingham (1478 1521) founder of the Magdalen College at Cambridge decapited for treason in 1521 (engraving)
Edward Stafford 3rd Duke of Buckingham (1478 1521) founder of the Magdalen College at Cambridge decapited for treason in 1521 (engraving)

XRH1720085: Edward Stafford 3rd Duke of Buckingham (1478 1521) founder of the Magdalen College at Cambridge decapited for treason in 1521 (engraving), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Design for a glass painting, c.1520 (pen and grey wash with black chalk on paper)
Design for a glass painting, c.1520 (pen and grey wash with black chalk on paper)

BI156642: Design for a glass painting, c.1520 (pen and grey wash with black chalk on paper), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach, 1519 (oil on pinewood)
Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach, 1519 (oil on pinewood)

XOS3588543: Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach, 1519 (oil on pinewood), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

IL3435434: "Come hither nurse. What is yond gentleman?" (Romeo and Juliet), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (photo), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

IL3435437: "I, not I, never gave you aught (Hamlet), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

IL3435438: "Nothing my Lord, from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

IL3435440: "Why did you throw your wedded lady from you?" (Cymbeline), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap, 1532-35 (oil on wood)
Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap, 1532-35 (oil on wood)

XOS3746281: Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap, 1532-35 (oil on wood), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images


AFF5615732: Illuminated "V" from the 1518 Basel third edition of 'Utopia' by Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) first published in 1516. Woodcut by Hans Holbein the Younger (c.1497-1543), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

The Adoration of Shepherds, Oberried Altarpiece, 1521-1522 (tempera on wood)
The Adoration of Shepherds, Oberried Altarpiece, 1521-1522 (tempera on wood)

LRI4621150: The Adoration of Shepherds, Oberried Altarpiece, 1521-1522 (tempera on wood), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Thomas, 2nd Baron Vaux, c.1533 (pen & ink, chalk, bodycolour and metalpoint on pink paper)
Thomas, 2nd Baron Vaux, c.1533 (pen & ink, chalk, bodycolour and metalpoint on pink paper)

ROC427427: Thomas, 2nd Baron Vaux, c.1533 (pen & ink, chalk, bodycolour and metalpoint on pink paper), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Jane Seymour, c.1536 (chalk, pen & ink)
Jane Seymour, c.1536 (chalk, pen & ink)

XJF377228: Jane Seymour, c.1536 (chalk, pen & ink), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Man (oil on panel)
Portrait of a Man (oil on panel)

XIR212878: Portrait of a Man (oil on panel), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Scholar or Cleric (black chalk)
Portrait of a Scholar or Cleric (black chalk)

CH36662: Portrait of a Scholar or Cleric (black chalk), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Binding of the collection
Binding of the collection

JLJ4670371: Binding of the collection "Aristotelis et Theophrasti historias"" drawn, 1534, Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Elizabeth, Lady Audley, c.1538 (w/c on vellum laid down on playing card)
Elizabeth, Lady Audley, c.1538 (w/c on vellum laid down on playing card)

ROC427500: Elizabeth, Lady Audley, c.1538 (w/c on vellum laid down on playing card), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Jane Seymour, c.1540 (oil on panel)
Portrait of Jane Seymour, c.1540 (oil on panel)

XOS5672016: Portrait of Jane Seymour, c.1540 (oil on panel), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

The Canon from Dance of Death (Lyons), 1538, 1523-1526
The Canon from Dance of Death (Lyons), 1538, 1523-1526

MNS883318: The Canon from Dance of Death (Lyons), 1538, 1523-1526, Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

The Countess from Dance of Death (Lyons), 1538, 1523-1526
The Countess from Dance of Death (Lyons), 1538, 1523-1526

MNS883319: The Countess from Dance of Death (Lyons), 1538, 1523-1526, Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Henry VIII.
Portrait of Henry VIII.

LZT1017146: Portrait of Henry VIII., Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Adam and Eve, 1517 (oil on paper)
Adam and Eve, 1517 (oil on paper)

XOS3956454: Adam and Eve, 1517 (oil on paper), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

IL3435421: "Mens evil manners live in brass: there virtues we write in water" (King Henry VIII), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

IL3435432: "Pity you ancient stones, those tender babes whom envy hath immun'd within your walls" (King Richard III), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

IL3435436: "O! never shall sun that morrow see" (MacBeth), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

IL3435439: "No! who's here? If anything that's civil speak" (Cymbeline), from The Complete Works of Shakespeare published by George Harrap & Co Ltd, 1920's (colour litho), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

Christ Judged by Pilate, 17th century (painted glass)
Christ Judged by Pilate, 17th century (painted glass)

SD3505196: Christ Judged by Pilate, 17th century (painted glass), Holbein the Younger, Hans (1497/8-1543) / Bridgeman Images

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