Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) Assets (785 in total)

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Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet, c.1305 (fresco) (post restoration) (see also 65194)
Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet, c.1305 (fresco) (post restoration) (see also 65194)

FAF192698: Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet, c.1305 (fresco) (post restoration) (see also 65194), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Raising of Lazarus, c.1305 (fresco) (pre-restoration) (see also 192699)
The Raising of Lazarus, c.1305 (fresco) (pre-restoration) (see also 192699)

BEN65206: The Raising of Lazarus, c.1305 (fresco) (pre-restoration) (see also 192699), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Ascension, c.1305 (fresco)
The Ascension, c.1305 (fresco)

XIR898563: The Ascension, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Trial by Fire, St. Francis offers to walk through fire, to convert the Sultan of Egypt in 1219, 1296-97 (fresco)
The Trial by Fire, St. Francis offers to walk through fire, to convert the Sultan of Egypt in 1219, 1296-97 (fresco)

XIR63346: The Trial by Fire, St. Francis offers to walk through fire, to convert the Sultan of Egypt in 1219, 1296-97 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Annunciation to St. Anne, c.1305 (fresco)
The Annunciation to St. Anne, c.1305 (fresco)

BEN65226: The Annunciation to St. Anne, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Meeting of Joachim and Anne at the Golden Gate, c.1305 (fresco) (see also 102740 & 68796)
The Meeting of Joachim and Anne at the Golden Gate, c.1305 (fresco) (see also 102740 & 68796)

XIR444244: The Meeting of Joachim and Anne at the Golden Gate, c.1305 (fresco) (see also 102740 & 68796), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The renunciation of property. Saint Francis returns the clothes to his father, 1295-1300 (Fresco)
The renunciation of property. Saint Francis returns the clothes to his father, 1295-1300 (Fresco)

LRI4663608: The renunciation of property. Saint Francis returns the clothes to his father, 1295-1300 (Fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Death of St. Francis, from the Bardi Chapel (fresco)
The Death of St. Francis, from the Bardi Chapel (fresco)

XAL227152: The Death of St. Francis, from the Bardi Chapel (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

General View of the Scrovegni Chapel
General View of the Scrovegni Chapel

CPH1762236: General View of the Scrovegni Chapel, Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Saint Francois of Assisi receiving the stigmas, c.1295-1300 (Tempera on wood)
Saint Francois of Assisi receiving the stigmas, c.1295-1300 (Tempera on wood)

JLJ4576482: Saint Francois of Assisi receiving the stigmas, c.1295-1300 (Tempera on wood), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Dream of Joachim, detail (fresco)
The Dream of Joachim, detail (fresco)

CPH1762246: The Dream of Joachim, detail (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Crucifixion, c.1288-89 (tempera on panel)
The Crucifixion, c.1288-89 (tempera on panel)

BAT499374: The Crucifixion, c.1288-89 (tempera on panel) , Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple, c.1305 (fresco)
The Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple, c.1305 (fresco)

BEN65221: The Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Miracle of the Spring, 1297-99 (fresco)
The Miracle of the Spring, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR62296: The Miracle of the Spring, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Preaching a Sermon to Pope Honorius III, 1297-99 (fresco)
St. Francis Preaching a Sermon to Pope Honorius III, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR63350: St. Francis Preaching a Sermon to Pope Honorius III, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Lion with his Cubs, c.1305 (fresco)
Lion with his Cubs, c.1305 (fresco)

BBC192288: Lion with his Cubs, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

History of Saint Francois of Assisi: “The miracle of the creche of Greccio” Saint Francois created the first creche in Greccio near Rieti in 1223. Fresco by Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337). 1296-1299 Sun. 270x230 cm Upper Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, Assisi
History of Saint Francois of Assisi: “The miracle of the creche of Greccio” Saint Francois created the first creche in Greccio near Rieti in 1223. Fresco by Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337). 1296-1299 Sun. 270x230 cm Upper Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, Assisi

LRI4652673: History of Saint Francois of Assisi: “The miracle of the creche of Greccio” Saint Francois created the first creche in Greccio near Rieti in 1223. Fresco by Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337). 1296-1299 Sun. 270x230 cm Upper Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, Assisi, Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Appears to St. Anthony in Arles, from the Bardi Chapel, c.1320 (fresco)
St. Francis Appears to St. Anthony in Arles, from the Bardi Chapel, c.1320 (fresco)

LEE238460: St. Francis Appears to St. Anthony in Arles, from the Bardi Chapel, c.1320 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Meeting of Joachim and Anne at the Golden Gate, detail (fresco)
The Meeting of Joachim and Anne at the Golden Gate, detail (fresco)

CPH1762250: The Meeting of Joachim and Anne at the Golden Gate, detail (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Stories of the Passion of Christ: The Resurrection, 1304 (fresco)
Stories of the Passion of Christ: The Resurrection, 1304 (fresco)

ELC859625: Stories of the Passion of Christ: The Resurrection, 1304 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Betrayal of Christ, 1303-06 (fresco)
The Betrayal of Christ, 1303-06 (fresco)

PVD1680607: The Betrayal of Christ, 1303-06 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Pentecost, c.1305 (fresco)
The Pentecost, c.1305 (fresco)

BEN65214: The Pentecost, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Entry into Jerusalem (fresco)
Entry into Jerusalem (fresco)

CPH1762226: Entry into Jerusalem (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Presentation of the Infant Jesus in the Temple (gold & tempera on panel)
The Presentation of the Infant Jesus in the Temple (gold & tempera on panel)

ISG113824: The Presentation of the Infant Jesus in the Temple (gold & tempera on panel), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Lamentation over the Dead Christ, c.1305 (fresco) (detail of 56296)
Lamentation over the Dead Christ, c.1305 (fresco) (detail of 56296)

BBC192290: Lamentation over the Dead Christ, c.1305 (fresco) (detail of 56296), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Episode of the life of Saint Francois of Assisi (San Francesco): “” The predication of birds””” Fresco by Giotto (Ambrogio di Bondone, 1266/76-1336), 1297-1299. Upper Basilica of Saint Francois, Assisi.
Episode of the life of Saint Francois of Assisi (San Francesco): “” The predication of birds””” Fresco by Giotto (Ambrogio di Bondone, 1266/76-1336), 1297-1299. Upper Basilica of Saint Francois, Assisi.

LRI4664618: Episode of the life of Saint Francois of Assisi (San Francesco): “” The predication of birds””” Fresco by Giotto (Ambrogio di Bondone, 1266/76-1336), 1297-1299. Upper Basilica of Saint Francois, Assisi., Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Charity, c.1305 (fresco)
Charity, c.1305 (fresco)

BEN73830: Charity, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Baptism of Christ, detail of Christ and St. John the Baptist, 1303-05 (fresco)
The Baptism of Christ, detail of Christ and St. John the Baptist, 1303-05 (fresco)

FAF169546: The Baptism of Christ, detail of Christ and St. John the Baptist, 1303-05 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Dreams of a Palace full of Weapons, 1297-99 (fresco)
St. Francis Dreams of a Palace full of Weapons, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR63340: St. Francis Dreams of a Palace full of Weapons, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Prophet John the Baptist, from the ceiling vault, c.1305 (fresco)
The Prophet John the Baptist, from the ceiling vault, c.1305 (fresco)

FAF307883: The Prophet John the Baptist, from the ceiling vault, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Virgin's Wedding Procession, c.1305 (fresco) (before restoration)
The Virgin's Wedding Procession, c.1305 (fresco) (before restoration)

BEN65205: The Virgin's Wedding Procession, c.1305 (fresco) (before restoration), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Pope Innocent III (1160-1216) Approving the Rule of St. Francis, from the Bardi Chapel, c.1320 (fresco)
Pope Innocent III (1160-1216) Approving the Rule of St. Francis, from the Bardi Chapel, c.1320 (fresco)

LEE238461: Pope Innocent III (1160-1216) Approving the Rule of St. Francis, from the Bardi Chapel, c.1320 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Crucifixion (fresco)
Crucifixion (fresco)

CPH1762230: Crucifixion (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Apparition at the Chapter House at Arles, 1297-99 (fresco)
The Apparition at the Chapter House at Arles, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR62298: The Apparition at the Chapter House at Arles, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Noli Me Tangere (fresco)
Noli Me Tangere (fresco)

CPH1762232: Noli Me Tangere (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

General View of the Scrovegni Chapel
General View of the Scrovegni Chapel

CPH1762237: General View of the Scrovegni Chapel, Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

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