Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) Assets (785 in total)

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St. Francis of Assisi preaching to the birds, 1299 (oil on panel)
St. Francis of Assisi preaching to the birds, 1299 (oil on panel)

XIR33525: St. Francis of Assisi preaching to the birds, 1299 (oil on panel), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Adoration of the Magi in the Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, 1303-05 (fresco)
Adoration of the Magi in the Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, 1303-05 (fresco)

XIR86110: Adoration of the Magi in the Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, 1303-05 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis preaching to the birds, 1297-99 (fresco)
St. Francis preaching to the birds, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR62297: St. Francis preaching to the birds, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Saint Francois of Assisi preaching to the birds, detail of the predella of St Francis of Assisi receiving the Stigmata, c.1295-1300 (tempera on wood)
Saint Francois of Assisi preaching to the birds, detail of the predella of St Francis of Assisi receiving the Stigmata, c.1295-1300 (tempera on wood)

JLJ4668628: Saint Francois of Assisi preaching to the birds, detail of the predella of St Francis of Assisi receiving the Stigmata, c.1295-1300 (tempera on wood), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Lamentation of Christ, c.1305 (fresco)
The Lamentation of Christ, c.1305 (fresco)

BEN56296: The Lamentation of Christ, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Flight into Egypt, Scrovegni Chapel, c.1305 (fresco)
The Flight into Egypt, Scrovegni Chapel, c.1305 (fresco)

XIR226097: The Flight into Egypt, Scrovegni Chapel, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Expulsion of the Devils from Arezzo, 1297-99 (fresco)
The Expulsion of the Devils from Arezzo, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR62275: The Expulsion of the Devils from Arezzo, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Betrayal of Christ, c.1305 (fresco)
The Betrayal of Christ, c.1305 (fresco)

BEN65199: The Betrayal of Christ, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna and Child Enthroned, c.1300-10 (tempera on panel) (POST-restoration) (see also 50342)
Madonna and Child Enthroned, c.1300-10 (tempera on panel) (POST-restoration) (see also 50342)

BEN63334: Madonna and Child Enthroned, c.1300-10 (tempera on panel) (POST-restoration) (see also 50342), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Gives his Coat to a Stranger, 1296-97 (fresco)
St. Francis Gives his Coat to a Stranger, 1296-97 (fresco)

XIR63339: St. Francis Gives his Coat to a Stranger, 1296-97 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata, c.1295-1300 (tempera on panel)1
St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata, c.1295-1300 (tempera on panel)1

XIR24938: St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata, c.1295-1300 (tempera on panel)1, Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Renounces his Father's Goods and Earthly Wealth, 1297-99 (fresco)
St. Francis Renounces his Father's Goods and Earthly Wealth, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR63343: St. Francis Renounces his Father's Goods and Earthly Wealth, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Interior of the Scrovegni (Arena) Chapel, Padua, Italy (photo)
Interior of the Scrovegni (Arena) Chapel, Padua, Italy (photo)

BBC195164: Interior of the Scrovegni (Arena) Chapel, Padua, Italy (photo), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Lamentation of the Dead Christ, c.1305 (fresco)
The Lamentation of the Dead Christ, c.1305 (fresco)

BBC191990: The Lamentation of the Dead Christ, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Receives Approval of his `Regula Prima' from Pope Innocent III (1160-1216) in 1210, 1297-99 (fresco)
St. Francis Receives Approval of his `Regula Prima' from Pope Innocent III (1160-1216) in 1210, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR63344: St. Francis Receives Approval of his `Regula Prima' from Pope Innocent III (1160-1216) in 1210, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis of Assisi Preparing the Christmas Crib at Grecchio, 1296-97 (fresco)
St. Francis of Assisi Preparing the Christmas Crib at Grecchio, 1296-97 (fresco)

XIR63348: St. Francis of Assisi Preparing the Christmas Crib at Grecchio, 1296-97 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Last Supper, c.1305 (fresco)
The Last Supper, c.1305 (fresco)

BEN65215: The Last Supper, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata, 1297-99 (fresco)
St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR62299: St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Payment of Judas, c.1305 (fresco)
The Payment of Judas, c.1305 (fresco)

BEN102750: The Payment of Judas, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Dream of Joachim, c.1305 (fresco)
The Dream of Joachim, c.1305 (fresco)

BEN90589: The Dream of Joachim, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Marriage Feast at Cana, c.1305 (fresco) (for detail see 102732)
The Marriage Feast at Cana, c.1305 (fresco) (for detail see 102732)

BEN102736: The Marriage Feast at Cana, c.1305 (fresco) (for detail see 102732), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Dream of Innocent III, 1297-99 (fresco)
The Dream of Innocent III, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR62277: The Dream of Innocent III, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Flight into Egypt, c.1305 (fresco)
The Flight into Egypt, c.1305 (fresco)

BEN102734: The Flight into Egypt, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Baptism of Christ, c.1305 (fresco)
The Baptism of Christ, c.1305 (fresco)

BEN79354: The Baptism of Christ, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Betrayal of Christ, detail of the kiss, c.1305 (fresco)
The Betrayal of Christ, detail of the kiss, c.1305 (fresco)

FAF177594: The Betrayal of Christ, detail of the kiss, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Last Judgement, c.1305 (fresco)
The Last Judgement, c.1305 (fresco)

BEN65227: The Last Judgement, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Last Judgement, c.1305 (fresco) (detail of 65227)
The Last Judgement, c.1305 (fresco) (detail of 65227)

FAF307879: The Last Judgement, c.1305 (fresco) (detail of 65227), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Betrayal of Christ, detail of the kiss, c.1305 (fresco) (detail of 65199)
The Betrayal of Christ, detail of the kiss, c.1305 (fresco) (detail of 65199)

BEN102739: The Betrayal of Christ, detail of the kiss, c.1305 (fresco) (detail of 65199), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Praying in the Church of San Damiano, 1297-99 (fresco)
St. Francis Praying in the Church of San Damiano, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR63342: St. Francis Praying in the Church of San Damiano, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Ecstasy of St. Francis, 1297-99 (fresco)
The Ecstasy of St. Francis, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR63347: The Ecstasy of St. Francis, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

St. Clare Embraces the Body of St. Francis at the Convent of San Damiano, 1297-99 (fresco)
St. Clare Embraces the Body of St. Francis at the Convent of San Damiano, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR63354: St. Clare Embraces the Body of St. Francis at the Convent of San Damiano, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Meeting at the Golden Gate, c.1305 (fresco) Gate in Jerusalem, c.1305 (fresco)
The Meeting at the Golden Gate, c.1305 (fresco) Gate in Jerusalem, c.1305 (fresco)

BEN65216: The Meeting at the Golden Gate, c.1305 (fresco) Gate in Jerusalem, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

St. Francis Honoured by a Simple Man, 1297-99 (fresco)
St. Francis Honoured by a Simple Man, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR63338: St. Francis Honoured by a Simple Man, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Crucifix from the Chapel of Isotta degli Atti, c.1312 (panel)
Crucifix from the Chapel of Isotta degli Atti, c.1312 (panel)

BEN85163: Crucifix from the Chapel of Isotta degli Atti, c.1312 (panel), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Crucifixion (fresco)
The Crucifixion (fresco)

FAF238790: The Crucifixion (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Pope Innocent III (1160-1216) Approving the Rule, from the predella panel from St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata, c.1295-1300 (tempera on panel)
Pope Innocent III (1160-1216) Approving the Rule, from the predella panel from St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata, c.1295-1300 (tempera on panel)

XIR122356: Pope Innocent III (1160-1216) Approving the Rule, from the predella panel from St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata, c.1295-1300 (tempera on panel), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

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