Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) Assets (785 in total)

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Angel from Madonna and Child Enthroned (detail of 66535) (see also 66536 & 66537) (altarpiece)
Angel from Madonna and Child Enthroned (detail of 66535) (see also 66536 & 66537) (altarpiece)

BAT66539: Angel from Madonna and Child Enthroned (detail of 66535) (see also 66536 & 66537) (altarpiece), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Virgin's Suitors Praying before the Rods in the Temple, c.1305 (fresco) (for detail see 67132)
The Virgin's Suitors Praying before the Rods in the Temple, c.1305 (fresco) (for detail see 67132)

BEN65211: The Virgin's Suitors Praying before the Rods in the Temple, c.1305 (fresco) (for detail see 67132), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Expulsion of Joachim from the Temple, c.1305 (fresco)
The Expulsion of Joachim from the Temple, c.1305 (fresco)

XIR444243: The Expulsion of Joachim from the Temple, c.1305 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

St. Peter, right panel of the Badia Altarpiece, c.1301 (tempera on panel) (detail of 50341)
St. Peter, right panel of the Badia Altarpiece, c.1301 (tempera on panel) (detail of 50341)

XIR434170: St. Peter, right panel of the Badia Altarpiece, c.1301 (tempera on panel) (detail of 50341), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Wedding at Cana, 1297-99 (fresco)
The Wedding at Cana, 1297-99 (fresco)

XIR439915: The Wedding at Cana, 1297-99 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Virgin and child (Fresco, 1290-1295)
Virgin and child (Fresco, 1290-1295)

LRI4575264: Virgin and child (Fresco, 1290-1295), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Allegory of the obedience (Fresco, 1334)
Allegory of the obedience (Fresco, 1334)

LRI4575294: Allegory of the obedience (Fresco, 1334), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Representation of the Saints Francois of Assisi, St. Claire, St. Benedict and St. Anthony of Padua (Fresco, 1297-1300)
Representation of the Saints Francois of Assisi, St. Claire, St. Benedict and St. Anthony of Padua (Fresco, 1297-1300)

LRI4575321: Representation of the Saints Francois of Assisi, St. Claire, St. Benedict and St. Anthony of Padua (Fresco, 1297-1300), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Isaac rejects Esau - Fresco, 14th century
Isaac rejects Esau - Fresco, 14th century

LRI4572435: Isaac rejects Esau - Fresco, 14th century, Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco  by Giotto, 14 th century.  Virtue. Spes - Hope.  Padua. Italy.  (photo)
The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco  by Giotto, 14 th century.  Virtue. Spes - Hope.  Padua. Italy.  (photo)

GNG5936891: The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco by Giotto, 14 th century. Virtue. Spes - Hope. Padua. Italy. (photo), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco  by Giotto, 14 th century.  Virtue. Justice.  Padua. Italy.  (photo)
The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco  by Giotto, 14 th century.  Virtue. Justice.  Padua. Italy.  (photo)

GNG5936892: The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco by Giotto, 14 th century. Virtue. Justice. Padua. Italy. (photo), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Allegory of Chastity, the Bardi Chapel, vault, 1320-25
Allegory of Chastity, the Bardi Chapel, vault, 1320-25

GRL6365911: Allegory of Chastity, the Bardi Chapel, vault, 1320-25, Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

A Saint Deacon Martyr, early XIV century (stained glass)
A Saint Deacon Martyr, early XIV century (stained glass)

GRL6366128: A Saint Deacon Martyr, early XIV century (stained glass), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Grieving Madonna, 1305-10 (detached fresco)
Grieving Madonna, 1305-10 (detached fresco)

GRL6366115: Grieving Madonna, 1305-10 (detached fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Pentecost (fresco)
Pentecost (fresco)

CPH1762233: Pentecost (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Sacrifice of Joachim, detail (fresco)
The Sacrifice of Joachim, detail (fresco)

CPH1762245: The Sacrifice of Joachim, detail (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Meeting of Joachim and Anne at the Golden Gate, detail (fresco)
The Meeting of Joachim and Anne at the Golden Gate, detail (fresco)

CPH1762249: The Meeting of Joachim and Anne at the Golden Gate, detail (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple, detail (fresco)
The Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple, detail (fresco)

CPH1762252: The Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple, detail (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Rods brought to the Temple, detail (fresco)
Rods brought to the Temple, detail (fresco)

CPH1762255: Rods brought to the Temple, detail (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Crucifix, detail of 1762363, c.1304
Crucifix, detail of 1762363, c.1304

CPH1762463: Crucifix, detail of 1762363, c.1304, Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Announcement to Saint Anne, detail (fresco)
Announcement to Saint Anne, detail (fresco)

CPH1762243: Announcement to Saint Anne, detail (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Annunciation, detail (fresco)
Annunciation, detail (fresco)

CPH1762262: Annunciation, detail (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

God sends the Archangel Gabriel, detail (fresco)
God sends the Archangel Gabriel, detail (fresco)

CPH1762263: God sends the Archangel Gabriel, detail (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Nativityl detail (fresco)
The Nativityl detail (fresco)

CPH1762268: The Nativityl detail (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, detail (fresco)
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, detail (fresco)

CPH1762274: Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, detail (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Baptism of Christ, detail (fresco)
The Baptism of Christ, detail (fresco)

CPH1762279: The Baptism of Christ, detail (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Wedding at Cana, detail (fresco)
Wedding at Cana, detail (fresco)

CPH1762282: Wedding at Cana, detail (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Entry into Jerusalem, detail of 1762226 (fresco)
Entry into Jerusalem, detail of 1762226 (fresco)

CPH1762285: Entry into Jerusalem, detail of 1762226 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Crucifixion, detail of 1762230 (fresco)
Crucifixion, detail of 1762230 (fresco)

CPH1762296: Crucifixion, detail of 1762230 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Noli me tangere, detail of 1762232 (fresco)
Noli me tangere, detail of 1762232 (fresco)

CPH1762303: Noli me tangere, detail of 1762232 (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Detail of the Last Judgement (fresco)
Detail of the Last Judgement (fresco)

CPH1762313: Detail of the Last Judgement (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

Detail of The Last Judgment (fresco)
Detail of The Last Judgment (fresco)

CPH1762318: Detail of The Last Judgment (fresco), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The priest rejecting Joachim came with a lamb to sacrifice him. Detail from the life of Saint Anne and Saint Joachim (fresco, 1303 -1305)
The priest rejecting Joachim came with a lamb to sacrifice him. Detail from the life of Saint Anne and Saint Joachim (fresco, 1303 -1305)

LRI4637331: The priest rejecting Joachim came with a lamb to sacrifice him. Detail from the life of Saint Anne and Saint Joachim (fresco, 1303 -1305), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco  by Giotto, 14 th century. Christ enters to Jerusalem. Palm sunday.  Padua. Italy.  (photo)
The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco  by Giotto, 14 th century. Christ enters to Jerusalem. Palm sunday.  Padua. Italy.  (photo)

GNG5936911: The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco by Giotto, 14 th century. Christ enters to Jerusalem. Palm sunday. Padua. Italy. (photo), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco  by Giotto, 14 th century.  Baptist of Christ.  Padua. Italy.  (photo)
The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco  by Giotto, 14 th century.  Baptist of Christ.  Padua. Italy.  (photo)

GNG5936914: The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco by Giotto, 14 th century. Baptist of Christ. Padua. Italy. (photo), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco  by Giotto, 14 th century.  The Ascension of Jesus to Heaven.  Padua. Italy.  (photo)
The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco  by Giotto, 14 th century.  The Ascension of Jesus to Heaven.  Padua. Italy.  (photo)

GNG5936935: The Scrovegni Chapel. Fresco by Giotto, 14 th century. The Ascension of Jesus to Heaven. Padua. Italy. (photo), Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (c.1266-1337) / Bridgeman Images

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