In The Capitalistic Countries: Elections are "Democratic": Everybody Against Ends up in Prison, 1952 (gouache on paper), Briskin, Veniamin (1906-82) / Bridgeman Images
The 3rd All-Union Congress of Kolkhoz Workers - Our Union Is Unbreakable, 1969 (colour litho), Briskin, Veniamin (1906-82) / Bridgeman Images
You are Playing Pranks, My Good Woman, but You Are Dancing on the Wrong Foot!, 1953 (colour litho), Briskin, Veniamin (1906-82) / Bridgeman Images
How They Unite the Bomb and the Cross - or How the Church Learned to Love the Bomb, 1959 (colour litho), Briskin, Veniamin (1906-82) / Bridgeman Images
Let Us Implement the Decisions of the XXV Congress of the Soviet Communist Party!, 1976 (gouache on paper), Briskin, Veniamin (1906-82) / Bridgeman Images