Briskin, Veniamin (1906-82)

Creator details

Briskin, Veniamin (1906-82)
Veniamin Briskin (1906-82) was a Russian artist known for his unique style of painting. Born in Moscow, Briskin studied at the Moscow Art School and later at the Surikov Art Institute. He was greatly influenced by the works of the Russian avant-garde artists and developed his own style of painting that combined elements of cubism, futurism, and abstract art. Briskin's paintings were characterized by bold colors, geometric shapes, and a sense of movement and energy. He often depicted urban landscapes, industrial scenes, and everyday objects in his works. Briskin's art was highly regarded by his contemporaries and he was awarded numerous prizes and honors throughout his career. Despite his success, Briskin faced persecution from the Soviet authorities for his non-conformist style of art. He was expelled from the Union of Artists in 1958 and his works were banned from public display. Briskin continued to paint in secret and his works were only exhibited publicly after his death in 1982. Today, Briskin's paintings are highly sought after by collectors and art enthusiasts around the world.

Assets (171 in total)

The International Communist and Worker's Movement Is the Avant-garde of the Revolutionary Powers of the World!, 1963 (gouache on paper)
Imperialism is war!, 1966 (colour litho)
The Culture of Capitalism, 1952 (w/c & gouache on paper)
Forward, Towards the Victory of Communism!, 1955 (colour litho)
Nineteen Seventeen, 1970 (gouache on paper)
Election Fraud in the Capitalist Countries, 1954 (gouache on paper)
The Age of Colonialism Has Passed!, 1962 (colour litho)
Marxism-Leninsm Is the Banner of Millions!, 1966 (gouache on paper)
Proletarians of All Countries, Unite!, 1972 (colour litho)
The Moral Code of the Builder of Communism, 1978 (gouache on paper)
Bomb Worshippers, 1962 (colour litho)
The Bourgeois Parliament, 1954 (colour litho)

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