Interior design for a crystal palace in the Parc de Saint-Cloud, c.1860-62 (crayon, pencil & w/c on paper), Jones, Owen (1809-74) / Bridgeman Images
Fragments of the frieze and the soffits of the architraves of the Roman Temple at Brescia, Ch VI, Plate XXVII from 'Grammar of Ornament', 1868, Jones, Owen (1809-74) / Bridgeman Images
Byzantine Ornament from an enamelled casket from 'Les Arts du Moyen Ages' by du Sommerard, Chapter VII, Plate XXIX from 'Grammar of Ornament' 1868 (colour litho), Jones, Owen (1809-74) / Bridgeman Images
Specimens of Typographic Embellishments from 16th century Italy and France, published by Aldine, Giunta and Stephan, chapter XIX, plate XC, from 'Grammar of Ornament' 1868 (colour litho), Jones, Owen (1809-74) / Bridgeman Images
Renaissance No 7, Plate LXXX, from 'The Grammar of Ornament' by Owen Jones (1809-68) (colour litho), Jones, Owen (1809-74) / Bridgeman Images