Jones, Owen (1809-74)

Creator details

Jones, Owen (1809-74)

Assets (64 in total)

Great Exhibition of 1851. Decoration of the transept
Floral Design by J. Owen, 1863 (colour litho)
Egyptian No 4, Plate VII, from 'The Grammar of Ornament' by Owen Jones (1809-68) (colour litho)
Greek Ornament from 'Grammar of Ornament', 1868
Arabian No 5, from 'The Grammar of Ornament' by Owen Jones (1809-68) (colour litho)
'Grammar of Ornament', chapter VII, plate XXX: Byzantine ornament, mosaics and pavement decoration, 1868 (litho)
Egyptian ornament from 'Grammar of Ornament', 1868 (colour litho)
Chandos, designed in 1868, made in 1873 by Warner & Sons (woven silk cotton & wool)
Egyptian Ornament, original illustration from `The Grammar of Ornament`, 1856 (pencil and w/c)
Egyptian No 3, from 'The Grammar of Ornament' by Owen Jones (1809-68) (colour litho)
Moresque Ornament from Ch X, Plate XLII of 'Grammar of Ornament', 1868
Interior of the Mosque of Sultan Hasan, in Cairo (litho)

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