One hundred Celebres de Edo: TowBoats on the Yotsugi Dori Canal (One Hundred Famous Views of Edo), 1856-1858 (colour woodcut), Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images
Japanese print: View of Massaki, the garden near the Suijin temple, the Ushigawa Entree and the Sekiya village, 1856-58 (woodblock print), Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images
The Temple of Confucius Near The Sho_hei Bridbe Over the Kanda River, September 1857, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images
No. 4 'Kanagawa: View of the Embankment' from The 53 Stations of the Tokaido, c.1833 (woodcut), Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images