Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) Assets (1927 in total)

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One hundred Celebres d'edo: Mitsumata Wakarenofuchi (One Hundred Famous Views of Edo), 1856-1858 (colour woodcut)
One hundred Celebres d'edo: Mitsumata Wakarenofuchi (One Hundred Famous Views of Edo), 1856-1858 (colour woodcut)

FIA5394936: One hundred Celebres d'edo: Mitsumata Wakarenofuchi (One Hundred Famous Views of Edo), 1856-1858 (colour woodcut), Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

One hundred Celebres de Edo: TowBoats on the Yotsugi Dori Canal (One Hundred Famous Views of Edo), 1856-1858 (colour woodcut)
One hundred Celebres de Edo: TowBoats on the Yotsugi Dori Canal (One Hundred Famous Views of Edo), 1856-1858 (colour woodcut)

FIA5394958: One hundred Celebres de Edo: TowBoats on the Yotsugi Dori Canal (One Hundred Famous Views of Edo), 1856-1858 (colour woodcut), Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Japanese print: View of Massaki, the garden near the Suijin temple, the Ushigawa Entree and the Sekiya village, 1856-58 (woodblock print)
Japanese print: View of Massaki, the garden near the Suijin temple, the Ushigawa Entree and the Sekiya village, 1856-58 (woodblock print)

FIA5389979: Japanese print: View of Massaki, the garden near the Suijin temple, the Ushigawa Entree and the Sekiya village, 1856-58 (woodblock print), Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Narumi, 1840-42 (woodblock print)
Narumi, 1840-42 (woodblock print)

DNE6198510: Narumi, 1840-42 (woodblock print), Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Ko_to meisho Sumida-gawa yuki-mi no zu san-mai tsuzuki, c. 1834
Ko_to meisho Sumida-gawa yuki-mi no zu san-mai tsuzuki, c. 1834

MNS882502: Ko_to meisho Sumida-gawa yuki-mi no zu san-mai tsuzuki, c. 1834, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Suido Bridge and Surugadai (Suidobashi Surugadai) No.48, 1957 (woodblock print)
Suido Bridge and Surugadai (Suidobashi Surugadai) No.48, 1957 (woodblock print)

MNS882305: Suido Bridge and Surugadai (Suidobashi Surugadai) No.48, 1957 (woodblock print), Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Gotenyama Hill in Bloom, 1830-1844
Gotenyama Hill in Bloom, 1830-1844

MNS882418: Gotenyama Hill in Bloom, 1830-1844, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Drying Gourd Shavings, Minakuchi, c. 1833
Drying Gourd Shavings, Minakuchi, c. 1833

MNS882420: Drying Gourd Shavings, Minakuchi, c. 1833, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Delivering the Head of the Enemy, 1843-1847
Delivering the Head of the Enemy, 1843-1847

MNS882422: Delivering the Head of the Enemy, 1843-1847, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Yahagi Bridge in Okazaki, 1837-1844
Yahagi Bridge in Okazaki, 1837-1844

MNS882200: Yahagi Bridge in Okazaki, 1837-1844, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Narumi, 1837-1844
Narumi, 1837-1844

MNS882202: Narumi, 1837-1844, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Ishibe, 1837-1844
Ishibe, 1837-1844

MNS882213: Ishibe, 1837-1844, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Kusatsu, 1837-1844
Kusatsu, 1837-1844

MNS882214: Kusatsu, 1837-1844, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Tenryu_ River View, Mitsuke, c. 1833
Tenryu_ River View, Mitsuke, c. 1833

MNS881122: Tenryu_ River View, Mitsuke, c. 1833, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Distant Bank of O_i River, Kanaya, c. 1833
Distant Bank of O_i River, Kanaya, c. 1833

MNS881200: Distant Bank of O_i River, Kanaya, c. 1833, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Women Soliciating Travelers, Goyu, c. 1833
Women Soliciating Travelers, Goyu, c. 1833

MNS881208: Women Soliciating Travelers, Goyu, c. 1833, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Yahagi Bridge, Okazaki, c. 1833
Yahagi Bridge, Okazaki, c. 1833

MNS881212: Yahagi Bridge, Okazaki, c. 1833, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Imagiri Beach in Maisaka, 1837-1844
Imagiri Beach in Maisaka, 1837-1844

MNS881221: Imagiri Beach in Maisaka, 1837-1844, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Motoyanagi Bridge and Eko_in Temple in Ryo_goku, May 1857
Motoyanagi Bridge and Eko_in Temple in Ryo_goku, May 1857

MNS881306: Motoyanagi Bridge and Eko_in Temple in Ryo_goku, May 1857, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

The Temple of Confucius Near The Sho_hei Bridbe Over the Kanda River, September 1857
The Temple of Confucius Near The Sho_hei Bridbe Over the Kanda River, September 1857

MNS881322: The Temple of Confucius Near The Sho_hei Bridbe Over the Kanda River, September 1857, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

View of Kasumigaseki, 1830-1844
View of Kasumigaseki, 1830-1844

MNS881402: View of Kasumigaseki, 1830-1844, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Episode Two: Yoshitsune Getting Sword Lesson from Long-nosed Goblin, 1835-1836
Episode Two: Yoshitsune Getting Sword Lesson from Long-nosed Goblin, 1835-1836

MNS881403: Episode Two: Yoshitsune Getting Sword Lesson from Long-nosed Goblin, 1835-1836, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Iris Gaeden at Horikiri, April 1852
Iris Gaeden at Horikiri, April 1852

MNS881408: Iris Gaeden at Horikiri, April 1852, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Village by the Tamagawa River, March 1858
Village by the Tamagawa River, March 1858

MNS881410: Village by the Tamagawa River, March 1858, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Ochanomizu, November 1853
Ochanomizu, November 1853

MNS881413: Ochanomizu, November 1853, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Minosaki Beach, Bungo Province, April 1856
Minosaki Beach, Bungo Province, April 1856

MNS881415: Minosaki Beach, Bungo Province, April 1856, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Noji in O_mi Province, 1843-1847
Noji in O_mi Province, 1843-1847

MNS881502: Noji in O_mi Province, 1843-1847, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Noda in Mutsu Province, 1843-1847
Noda in Mutsu Province, 1843-1847

MNS881504: Noda in Mutsu Province, 1843-1847, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Old Story of Miyako-dori Gulls and the Sumida River
Old Story of Miyako-dori Gulls and the Sumida River

MNS881506: Old Story of Miyako-dori Gulls and the Sumida River, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Old Sotry of the Otama Pond in Kanda, early 19th century
Old Sotry of the Otama Pond in Kanda, early 19th century

MNS881507: Old Sotry of the Otama Pond in Kanda, early 19th century, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Spiny Lobster and Flounder, early 19th century
Spiny Lobster and Flounder, early 19th century

MNS881509: Spiny Lobster and Flounder, early 19th century, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Flathead and Abalone, early 19th century
Flathead and Abalone, early 19th century

MNS881513: Flathead and Abalone, early 19th century, Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Untitled (woodcut)
Untitled (woodcut)

FLP2561242: Untitled (woodcut), Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

Sea-bream and Bamboo Grass, 1840 (woodcut)
Sea-bream and Bamboo Grass, 1840 (woodcut)

FLP2561253: Sea-bream and Bamboo Grass, 1840 (woodcut), Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

No. 4 'Kanagawa: View of the Embankment' from The 53 Stations of the Tokaido, c.1833 (woodcut)
No. 4 'Kanagawa: View of the Embankment' from The 53 Stations of the Tokaido, c.1833 (woodcut)

FLP2561275: No. 4 'Kanagawa: View of the Embankment' from The 53 Stations of the Tokaido, c.1833 (woodcut), Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

No. 6 'Totsuka motomachi Fork' From 53 Stations of the Tokaido, c.1833 (woodcut)
No. 6 'Totsuka motomachi Fork' From 53 Stations of the Tokaido, c.1833 (woodcut)

FLP2561276: No. 6 'Totsuka motomachi Fork' From 53 Stations of the Tokaido, c.1833 (woodcut), Hiroshige, Ando or Utagawa (1797-1858) / Bridgeman Images

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