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LAL724192: Knights slaughtered on the battlefield (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724192
Knights slaughtered on the battlefield (gouache on paper)
Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95)
LAL724195: Jousting knights (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724195
Jousting knights (gouache on paper)
LAL724196: Crusaders in Turkey in the 11th century (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724196
Crusaders in Turkey in the 11th century (gouache on paper)
LAL724252: The Great Trek of 1835-1837 (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724252
The Great Trek of 1835-1837 (gouache on paper)
LAL724486: Welsh regiments (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724486
Welsh regiments (gouache on paper)
LAL723978: Jocob being disguised by his mother (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL723978
Jocob being disguised by his mother (gouache on paper)
LAL723985: Abraham entertaining the three strangers (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL723985
Abraham entertaining the three strangers (gouache on paper)
LAL724025: A rabbit runs around a garden in a cat collar (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724025
A rabbit runs around a garden in a cat collar (gouache on paper)
LAL724026: Glamis Castle (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724026
Glamis Castle (gouache on paper)
LAL724030: Scene from the song Uncle Tom Cobbleigh (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724030
Scene from the song Uncle Tom Cobbleigh (gouache on paper)
LAL724037: Pirates of Penzance (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724037
Pirates of Penzance (gouache on paper)
LAL724042: Coluccio Salutai in Florence (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724042
Coluccio Salutai in Florence (gouache on paper)
LAL724044: Cosimo Medici sitting in his home in Florence (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724044
Cosimo Medici sitting in his home in Florence (gouache on paper)
LAL724050: John Reith (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724050
John Reith (gouache on paper)
LAL724060: Arms of the Medici family (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724060
Arms of the Medici family (gouache on paper)
LAL724069: Armour of the 15th Century (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724069
Armour of the 15th Century (gouache on paper)
LAL724078: Tanks roll over German trenches during the Great War (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724078
Tanks roll over German trenches during the Great War (gouache on paper)
LAL724081: William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724081
William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania (gouache on paper)
LAL724088: Making fire across the centuries (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724088
Making fire across the centuries (gouache on paper)
LAL724089: How the cavalry protect themselves (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724089
How the cavalry protect themselves (gouache on paper)
LAL724097: Radio transmissions continued despite a direct hit during the Blitz (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724097
Radio transmissions continued despite a direct hit during the Blitz (gouache on paper)
LAL724125: The story of armour (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724125
The story of armour (gouache on paper)
LAL724146: Burning the town of Bar-sur-Seine in 1359 (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724146
Burning the town of Bar-sur-Seine in 1359 (gouache on paper)
LAL724148: Harfleur besieged by King Henry V (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724148
Harfleur besieged by King Henry V (gouache on paper)
LAL724155: Scenes from the history of medicine (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724155
Scenes from the history of medicine (gouache on paper)
LAL724158: Queen Caroline holds her granddaughter (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724158
Queen Caroline holds her granddaughter (gouache on paper)
LAL724162: Work on the first walls of Cairo began in 969AD (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724162
Work on the first walls of Cairo began in 969AD (gouache on paper)
LAL724165: A typical street scene in Florence in the early 15th century (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724165
A typical street scene in Florence in the early 15th century (gouache on paper)
LAL2816605: Blood-letting in the 16th Century (litho), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL2816605
Blood-letting in the 16th Century (litho)
LAL2816608: Dr James Young Simpson experimenting with anaesthesia on a friend (litho), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL2816608
Dr James Young Simpson experimenting with anaesthesia on a friend (litho)
LAL2816640: David Copperfield and Agnes Wickfield (colour litho), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL2816640
David Copperfield and Agnes Wickfield (colour litho)
LAL724200: A Roman Legion storms Maiden Castle (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724200
A Roman Legion storms Maiden Castle (gouache on paper)
LAL724206: William Herbert attacks an innocent passer-by in Bristol (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724206
William Herbert attacks an innocent passer-by in Bristol (gouache on paper)
LAL724209: Sebastien Vauban, Europe's greatest expert on siege warfare (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724209
Sebastien Vauban, Europe's greatest expert on siege warfare (gouache on paper)
LAL724008: Napoleon the Third (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724008
Napoleon the Third (gouache on paper)
LAL724009: Count Bismark approaches the carriage of Napoleon III (gouache on paper), Nicolle, Pat (Patrick) (1907-95) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL724009
Count Bismark approaches the carriage of Napoleon III (gouache on paper)