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LAL298750: A Day in the Life of... a gunner lad: When Danger Rode on Parade, Jackson, Peter (1922-2003) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL298750
A Day in the Life of... a gunner lad: When Danger Rode on Parade
Jackson, Peter (1922-2003)
LAL301578: Ancient Britain, Jackson, Peter (1922-2003) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL301578
Ancient Britain
LAL303063: Villagers dance round the maypole, Jackson, Peter (1922-2003) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL303063
Villagers dance round the maypole
LAL304456: A newly qualified apprentice is dowsed in beer and rolled in a barrel, Jackson, Peter (1922-2003) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL304456
A newly qualified apprentice is dowsed in beer and rolled in a barrel
LAL303968: Once Upon a Time... flying one hundred years ago, Jackson, Peter (1922-2003) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL303968
Once Upon a Time... flying one hundred years ago
LAL304199: When They Were Young: Napoleon's Childhood, Jackson, Peter (1922-2003) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL304199
When They Were Young: Napoleon's Childhood
LAL304233: Once Upon a Time... a stroll around the Tudor garden, Jackson, Peter (1922-2003) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL304233
Once Upon a Time... a stroll around the Tudor garden
LAL304239: No Entry: Padlocked in the pillory, Jackson, Peter (1922-2003) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL304239
No Entry: Padlocked in the pillory
LAL303358: Celtic woman with mirror, Jackson, Peter (1922-2003) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL303358
Celtic woman with mirror
LAL295851: The Truth Behind the Legend: Dick Whittington, Jackson, Peter (1922-2003) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL295851
The Truth Behind the Legend: Dick Whittington
LAL297040: Unidentified rider on bucking horse, Jackson, Peter (1922-2003) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL297040
Unidentified rider on bucking horse
LAL297058: Organ grinder and monkey, Jackson, Peter (1922-2003) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL297058
Organ grinder and monkey