Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) Assets (179 in total)

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Frederic William III (1770-1840) King of Prussia, 1814 (oil on canvas)
Frederic William III (1770-1840) King of Prussia, 1814 (oil on canvas)

XIR166381: Frederic William III (1770-1840) King of Prussia, 1814 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

The Coronation of King Charles X, 29th May 1825 in Reims Cathedral, c.1827 (oil on canvas) (detail)
The Coronation of King Charles X, 29th May 1825 in Reims Cathedral, c.1827 (oil on canvas) (detail)

TAD1745107: The Coronation of King Charles X, 29th May 1825 in Reims Cathedral, c.1827 (oil on canvas) (detail), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Marie-Laetitia Ramolino (1750-1836) 1803 (oil on canvas)
Marie-Laetitia Ramolino (1750-1836) 1803 (oil on canvas)

XIR231226: Marie-Laetitia Ramolino (1750-1836) 1803 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Charles X (1757-1826) in his Coronation Robes (oil on canvas)
Charles X (1757-1826) in his Coronation Robes (oil on canvas)

BWM155792: Charles X (1757-1826) in his Coronation Robes (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Napoleon, Imperial Prince and King of Rome, 1815 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Napoleon, Imperial Prince and King of Rome, 1815 (oil on canvas)

XIR391450: Portrait of Napoleon, Imperial Prince and King of Rome, 1815 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

The Three Ages (oil on canvas)
The Three Ages (oil on canvas)

CND26519: The Three Ages (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord (1754-1838) early 19th century (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord (1754-1838) early 19th century (oil on canvas)

CHT177248: Portrait of Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord (1754-1838) early 19th century (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Caroline Bonaparte, Queen of Naples (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Caroline Bonaparte, Queen of Naples (oil on canvas)

XIR228251: Portrait of Caroline Bonaparte, Queen of Naples (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Representation Of Saint Therese, 19th century (oil on canvas)
Representation Of Saint Therese, 19th century (oil on canvas)

JLJ4685167: Representation Of Saint Therese, 19th century (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Empress Marie-Louise (1791-1847) of Austria (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Empress Marie-Louise (1791-1847) of Austria (oil on canvas)

XIR170211: Portrait of Empress Marie-Louise (1791-1847) of Austria (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Signature of the Concordat between France and the Saint Siege, 1801 (engraving)
Signature of the Concordat between France and the Saint Siege, 1801 (engraving)

JLJ4617308: Signature of the Concordat between France and the Saint Siege, 1801 (engraving), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

The People of Paris storm the Tuileries on 10 August, 1792 (pen & ink & wash on paper)
The People of Paris storm the Tuileries on 10 August, 1792 (pen & ink & wash on paper)

CHT411538: The People of Paris storm the Tuileries on 10 August, 1792 (pen & ink & wash on paper), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Full-length portrait of Napoleon I in coronation costume, detail, c.1805-10
Full-length portrait of Napoleon I in coronation costume, detail, c.1805-10

FIA5343797: Full-length portrait of Napoleon I in coronation costume, detail, c.1805-10, Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Lady in an Empire Dress (oil on panel)
Portrait of a Lady in an Empire Dress (oil on panel)

RAF145032: Portrait of a Lady in an Empire Dress (oil on panel), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Marius Returning to Rome, 1789 (oil on paper mounted on canvas)
Marius Returning to Rome, 1789 (oil on paper mounted on canvas)

HST1074792: Marius Returning to Rome, 1789 (oil on paper mounted on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Daniel proving Susanna's Innocence (oil on canvas)
Daniel proving Susanna's Innocence (oil on canvas)

CH434087: Daniel proving Susanna's Innocence (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Juliette Recamier dit Madame Recamier (1777-1849), wife of Lettres francaise, 1805 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Juliette Recamier dit Madame Recamier (1777-1849), wife of Lettres francaise, 1805 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4648570: Portrait of Juliette Recamier dit Madame Recamier (1777-1849), wife of Lettres francaise, 1805 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Charles-Ferdinand of France in the Costume of a French Prince, 1820 (oil on canvas)
Charles-Ferdinand of France in the Costume of a French Prince, 1820 (oil on canvas)

XIR173424: Charles-Ferdinand of France in the Costume of a French Prince, 1820 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait de Eugene de Beauharnais dit Prince Eugene vice king of Italy then Duke of Leuchtenberg (1781-1824), 1811 (oil on canvas)
Portrait de Eugene de Beauharnais dit Prince Eugene vice king of Italy then Duke of Leuchtenberg (1781-1824), 1811 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4660446: Portrait de Eugene de Beauharnais dit Prince Eugene vice king of Italy then Duke of Leuchtenberg (1781-1824), 1811 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

General Jean-Victor Moreau (1763-1813) (oil on canvas)
General Jean-Victor Moreau (1763-1813) (oil on canvas)

XIR192142: General Jean-Victor Moreau (1763-1813) (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

The Empress Josephine
The Empress Josephine

BAL47610: The Empress Josephine, Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Marie-Caroline de Bourbon (1798-1870) with her Children in Front of the Chateau de Rosny, 1820 (oil on canvas)
Marie-Caroline de Bourbon (1798-1870) with her Children in Front of the Chateau de Rosny, 1820 (oil on canvas)

XIR240243: Marie-Caroline de Bourbon (1798-1870) with her Children in Front of the Chateau de Rosny, 1820 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Charles-Francois Lebrun (1739-1824) Duke of Plaisance in the Costume of the Archtreasurer of the Empire (oil on canvas)
Charles-Francois Lebrun (1739-1824) Duke of Plaisance in the Costume of the Archtreasurer of the Empire (oil on canvas)

XIR192132: Charles-Francois Lebrun (1739-1824) Duke of Plaisance in the Costume of the Archtreasurer of the Empire (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Count Viktor Pavlovich Kochubey, 1809 (oil on canvas)
Count Viktor Pavlovich Kochubey, 1809 (oil on canvas)

XAB884221: Count Viktor Pavlovich Kochubey, 1809 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

The Music Lesson, 1790
The Music Lesson, 1790

BAL47961: The Music Lesson, 1790, Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Charles-Andre (1764-1832) Count Pozzo di Borgo, 1824 (oil on canvas)
Charles-Andre (1764-1832) Count Pozzo di Borgo, 1824 (oil on canvas)

XIR192151: Charles-Andre (1764-1832) Count Pozzo di Borgo, 1824 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Madame Tallian, nee Cabarrus our Lady of Thermidor (1773-1835), 19th century (lithograph)
Portrait of Madame Tallian, nee Cabarrus our Lady of Thermidor (1773-1835), 19th century (lithograph)

JLJ4664788: Portrait of Madame Tallian, nee Cabarrus our Lady of Thermidor (1773-1835), 19th century (lithograph), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Monsignor of Belsunce during the Plague of Marseille, 1825 (oil on canvas)
Monsignor of Belsunce during the Plague of Marseille, 1825 (oil on canvas)

JEB4888896: Monsignor of Belsunce during the Plague of Marseille, 1825 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Madame Tallien (1773-1835) (oil on canvas)
Madame Tallien (1773-1835) (oil on canvas)

XIR224307: Madame Tallien (1773-1835) (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

The 10th of August 1792, c.1795-9 (oil and graphite on canvas)
The 10th of August 1792, c.1795-9 (oil and graphite on canvas)

XOS1448822: The 10th of August 1792, c.1795-9 (oil and graphite on canvas) , Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Mademoiselle Duchesnoy in the Role of Dido (oil on canvas)
Mademoiselle Duchesnoy in the Role of Dido (oil on canvas)

XIR204540: Mademoiselle Duchesnoy in the Role of Dido (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Elisa Bonaparte Baciocchi with her daughter, 1810 (oil on canvas)
Elisa Bonaparte Baciocchi with her daughter, 1810 (oil on canvas)

TAD1754324: Elisa Bonaparte Baciocchi with her daughter, 1810 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Count Michel Regnaud de Saint-Jean-d'Angely (1761-1819) (oil on canvas)
Count Michel Regnaud de Saint-Jean-d'Angely (1761-1819) (oil on canvas)

XIR192156: Count Michel Regnaud de Saint-Jean-d'Angely (1761-1819) (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Hortense de Beauharnais (1783-1837) (oil on canvas)
Hortense de Beauharnais (1783-1837) (oil on canvas)

XIR230132: Hortense de Beauharnais (1783-1837) (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Desiree Clary (1777-1860), 1810 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Desiree Clary (1777-1860), 1810 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4663530: Portrait of Desiree Clary (1777-1860), 1810 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Daphnis And Chloe, 1825 (oil on canvas)
Daphnis And Chloe, 1825 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4689856: Daphnis And Chloe, 1825 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images

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