Napoleon I (1769-1821) in Front of the Chateau de Malmaison, 1804 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images
The Battle of Austerlitz, detail of General Rapp presenting Prince Repnin to Napoleon,1805 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of the Empress Josephine in her coronation robes, 1807-1808 (oil on canavs), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images
The Battle of Austerlitz on 2/12/1805: General Rapp presents the flags taken from the enemy, 1805 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images
On the Bank of the Lora, Ossian Conjures up a Spirit with the Sound of his Harp, c.1811 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait in foot of Napoleon Ist in coronation robe, 1805 (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images
Marie Amelie de Bourbon (1782-1866) Duchess of Orleans and her Son, Prince Ferdinand (1810-42) Duke of Chartres (oil on canvas), Gerard, Francois Pascal Simon, Baron (1770-1837) / Bridgeman Images