The Island of Dr. Moron, 1996 (painted fiberglass and resin, wig and sneakers on metal base wit), Chapman, Jake (b.1966) & Chapman, Dinos (b.1962) / Bridgeman Images
Like a Dog Returns to its Vomit No. 77, 2005 (ink and gouache on found etching), Chapman, Jake (b.1966) & Chapman, Dinos (b.1962) / Bridgeman Images
Like a Dog Returns to Its Vomit No. 64, 2005 (gouache and ink over found etching), Chapman, Jake (b.1966) & Chapman, Dinos (b.1962) / Bridgeman Images
Like a Dog Returns to its Vomit No. 24, 2005 (ink and gouache over found etching), Chapman, Jake (b.1966) & Chapman, Dinos (b.1962) / Bridgeman Images
The Rape of Creativity at the Museum of Post-Modern Art, Oxford, c.2003 (etching), Chapman, Jake (b.1966) & Chapman, Dinos (b.1962) / Bridgeman Images
Like a Dog Returns to Its Vomit No. 40, 2005 (gouache and ink over found etching), Chapman, Jake (b.1966) & Chapman, Dinos (b.1962) / Bridgeman Images