Chapman, Jake (b.1966) & Chapman, Dinos (b.1962)

Creator details

Chapman, Jake (b.1966) & Chapman, Dinos (b.1962)
Collaborates with brother Dinos Chapman creating diorama sculptures. Typical work consists of naked, kitschy child mannequins with fused torsos and genitalia for mouths and noses, displayed alone or in park-like settings.

Assets (12 in total)

The Island of Dr. Moron, 1996 (painted fiberglass and resin, wig and sneakers on metal base wit)
Ubermensch, 1995 (fibreglass, resin, paint, rhinestone, wig and glasses)
The Whimper, 2006 (oil on found canvas)
Cannibal Ferox, 2000 (enamel, polyester resin and metal)
Ubermensch, 1995 (fibreglass, resin, paint, rhinestone, wig and glasses)
Progress, 2007 (ink and gouche on found etching)
Like a Dog Returns to its Vomit No. 77, 2005 (ink and gouache on found etching)
Like a Dog Returns to Its Vomit No. 64, 2005 (gouache and ink over found etching)
Ubermensch (detail), 1995 (fibreglass, resin, paint, rhinestone, wig and glasses)
Like a Dog Returns to its Vomit No. 24, 2005 (ink and gouache over found etching)
The Rape of Creativity at the Museum of Post-Modern Art, Oxford, c.2003 (etching)
Like a Dog Returns to Its Vomit No. 40, 2005 (gouache and ink over found etching)

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