King Henry VIII and Katharine of Aragon, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Queen Elizabeth, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Jenny Geddes and the English Prayers, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The Great Plague, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The taking of Quebec, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The first Englismen in Britain (Hengest and Horsa), from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The first Englisman to write history (Adam Bede), from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
King Edgar the peaceful, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The good king Cnut (Canute), from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Hereward the Wake, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Duke Robert of Normandy, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Queen Matilda's escape from Oxford, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
King Richard the Lionheart, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Robin Hood and the sheriff of Nottingham, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Earl Simon (Simon de Montford), from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Robert Bruce king of Scotland, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The Black Prince, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The end of king Richard II, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Joan of Arc, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Queen Margaret and the robber, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The Scottish soldiers at Lucknow, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
King George V and the Indian princes, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
King Charles II and the oak tree, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Oliver Cromwell and Parliament, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
King James II, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Front cover design, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The Britons and their poets, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The king who was a clever boy (Alfred), from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
John Wycliff and the bishops, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Sir Thomas More, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The pilgrimage of faith, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images