Queen Mary and king Philip of Spain, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Mary Queen of Scots, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The burial of Sir John Moore, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The battle of Waterloo, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The old stagecoaches, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Florence Nightingale, from A Nursery History of England published by Nelson and Sons, c. 1940 (colour litho), Morrow, George (1870-1955) / Bridgeman Images