L'Assiette au Beurre, number 419, Satirique en couleurs, 1909_4_10: Chamber of Deputes - Deputes (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 215, Satirique en couleurs, 1905_5_27: Spain, President of the Republic - Emile Loubet (1838-1929) Alphonse XIII (1886-1941) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 404, Satirique en N & B, 1908_12_26: Colonization, America, Europe, Maritime Marine Seaside, Latin America, Caracas - Uncle Sam, James Monroe (1758-1831) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 67, Satirique en couleurs, 1902_7_12: Armee - General Generaux, Joseph Gallieni (1849-1916) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 172, Satirique en couleurs, 1904_7_16: Religion, Silver, Secret Fonds, Million des chartreux - Alfred Mascuraud (1848-1926) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
Postcard, Satirical in N & B, ca. 1901: William II - William II - Illustration by Leal de Camara (1877-1948), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 140, Satirique en couleurs, 1903_12_5: Colonization, Morocco (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 142, Satirique en couleurs, 1903_12_19: Jules Jaluzot (1934-1916), Berry Georges (1855-1915) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 142, Satirique en couleurs, 1903_12_19: Briand Aristide, Maurice Berteaux (1852-1911) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 142, Satirique en Couleurs, 1903_12_19: Georges Grosjean (1865-1934), Flourens Emile (1841-1920) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 215, Satirique en couleurs, 1905_5_27: Spain, President of the Republic, Chapeau - Loubet Emile (1838-1929), Alfonso XIII (1886-1941) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
General Florentin, Chancellor of the Legion of Honour, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: Nos Generaux', 12th July 1902 (colour litho), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
General Billot, former Minister of War, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: Nos Generaux', 12th July 1902 (colour litho), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
General Chanoine, former Minister of War, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: Nos Generaux', 12th July 1902 (colour litho), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
Puybaraud, a member of the French police force, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: La Police', 23rd May 1903 (colour litho), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
The Future Alliance - "We should have started like this!" - Russian and Japan shake hands. 1904 (litho), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
The Misunderstood - Jesus Christ and Marianne are left out in the cold night, 1905. (litho), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
She and he, the last bomb - Emile Loubet and Marianne fall asleep at the Xmas table, 1905. (litho), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
Deroulede's Christmas - Paul Deroulede beating his drum to exhort France to take revenge on Germany, 1905. (litho), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 215, Satirique en couleurs, 1905_5_27: Spain, President of the Republic - Loubet Emile (1838-1929), Alfonso XIII (1886-1941) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images