L'Assiette au Beurre, number 247, Satirique en couleurs, 1905_12_23: Noel - Deroulede Paul (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration of Leal de Camara (1877-1948) in Le Lire, 08/08/08 - His portrait - Art, President of the Republic, Hat, Obeite, Armchair (symbol of power) - Fallieres Armand - Fat/skinny, Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of L'Indiscret, Satirique en N & B, 1902_4_16: Automobile - Waldeck-Rousseau Pierre, Dufayel - Illustration by Leal de Camara (1877-1948), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of L'Indiscret, Satirique en N & B, 1902_8_6: President of the Republic - Loubet Emile, Combarieu Jules - Illustration by Leal de Camara (1877-1948), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Indiscret, Satirique en N & B, 1902_12_10: Rochefort Henri - Illustration by Leal de Camara (1877-1948), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
General Boisdeffre, former Chief of the Defence Staff, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: Nos Generaux', 12th July 1902 (colour litho), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
General Brugere, Generalissimo, Vice-President of the War Council, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: Nos Generaux', 12th July 1902 (colour litho), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
General Fevrier, former Chancellor of the Legion of Honour, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: Nos Generaux', 12th July 1902 (colour litho), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
General Saussieur, former Generalissimo, member of War Counil, illustration from 'L'assiette au Beurre: Nos Generaux', 12th July 1902 (colour litho), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 140, Satirique en couleurs, 1903_12_5: Colonization, Morocco (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 142, Satirique en couleurs, 1903_12_19: Jules Jaluzot (1934-1916), Berry Georges (1855-1915) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 142, Satirique en couleurs, 1903_12_19: Briand Aristide, Maurice Berteaux (1852-1911) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 142, Satirique en Couleurs, 1903_12_19: Georges Grosjean (1865-1934), Flourens Emile (1841-1920) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 129, Satirique en couleurs, 1903_9_19: Prisons, - Joseph Loizemant (1857-20th century), Prisoners (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 172, Satirique en couleurs, 1904_7_16: Religion, Silver, Secret Fonds, Million des chartreux - Alfred Mascuraud (1848-1926) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 64, Satirique en couleurs, 1902_6_28: England Great Britain - Lord Landsowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice (1845-1927) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 130, Satirique en Couleurs, 1903_9_26: Monarchy - Duke of Orleans, Philippe d'Orleans (1869-1926) (pretending to the throne of France under the name of Philippe VIII) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 199, Satirique en Couleurs, 1905_2_11: Courier La Poste, Ministere - Berard Leon (1876-1960) (lithograph), Camara, Leal de (1877-1948) / Bridgeman Images