Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) Assets (60 in total)

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Subscribe to the National Loan, printed Paris, 1920 (colour litho)
Subscribe to the National Loan, printed Paris, 1920 (colour litho)

STC862827: Subscribe to the National Loan, printed Paris, 1920 (colour litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The Trap, 1915 (litho)
The Trap, 1915 (litho)

STC407171: The Trap, 1915 (litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The Observer, 1916 (colour litho)
The Observer, 1916 (colour litho)

PNP701833: The Observer, 1916 (colour litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Crédit Commercial De France Souscrivez Pour La Victoire, c.1918 (poster)
Crédit Commercial De France Souscrivez Pour La Victoire, c.1918 (poster)

GBW699107: Crédit Commercial De France Souscrivez Pour La Victoire, c.1918 (poster), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

French soldier using a periscope, 1916 (colour litho)
French soldier using a periscope, 1916 (colour litho)

PNP701836: French soldier using a periscope, 1916 (colour litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Loot: what a German invasion means to the civilian when Soldiers get out of hand, from 'The Illustrated War News', 1916 (litho)
Loot: what a German invasion means to the civilian when Soldiers get out of hand, from 'The Illustrated War News', 1916 (litho)

STC312506: Loot: what a German invasion means to the civilian when Soldiers get out of hand, from 'The Illustrated War News', 1916 (litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Poster for an exhibition on German war crimes (photos, posters...), organized by the League “Remember yourself”, for the benefit of the propaganda work of the League - poster by Lucien Hector (Lucien-Hector) Jonas (1880 - 1947), 1917
Poster for an exhibition on German war crimes (photos, posters...), organized by the League “Remember yourself”, for the benefit of the propaganda work of the League - poster by Lucien Hector (Lucien-Hector) Jonas (1880 - 1947), 1917

XEE4410235: Poster for an exhibition on German war crimes (photos, posters...), organized by the League “Remember yourself”, for the benefit of the propaganda work of the League - poster by Lucien Hector (Lucien-Hector) Jonas (1880 - 1947), 1917, Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Crédit Commercial De France Souscrivez Pour La Victoire, c.1918 (poster)
Crédit Commercial De France Souscrivez Pour La Victoire, c.1918 (poster)

JAB4119762: Crédit Commercial De France Souscrivez Pour La Victoire, c.1918 (poster), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The first occupant of a conquered slicer, 1914-1916 (engraving)
The first occupant of a conquered slicer, 1914-1916 (engraving)

PCT6434346: The first occupant of a conquered slicer, 1914-1916 (engraving), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

House by House, 1915 (litho)
House by House, 1915 (litho)

STC407188: House by House, 1915 (litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

On the telephone - the tragic echoes of fighting, 1915 (litho)
On the telephone - the tragic echoes of fighting, 1915 (litho)

STC407187: On the telephone - the tragic echoes of fighting, 1915 (litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

A First Aid Station, 1927 (litho)
A First Aid Station, 1927 (litho)

STC1123853: A First Aid Station, 1927 (litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

An Infantry Attack in Woods at Argonne Front, published 1927 (litho)
An Infantry Attack in Woods at Argonne Front, published 1927 (litho)

STC1123854: An Infantry Attack in Woods at Argonne Front, published 1927 (litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Runners Working in a Barrage, 1927 (litho)
Runners Working in a Barrage, 1927 (litho)

STC1123856: Runners Working in a Barrage, 1927 (litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

GBW698976: "Four years in the fight", 1918 (colour litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Emprunt de la Liberation - Souscrivez - Sté. Gle. de Crédit Industriel & Commercial, 1918 (poster)
Emprunt de la Liberation - Souscrivez - Sté. Gle. de Crédit Industriel & Commercial, 1918 (poster)

EVB2943130: Emprunt de la Liberation - Souscrivez - Sté. Gle. de Crédit Industriel & Commercial, 1918 (poster), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Crédit Commercial De France Souscrivez Pour La Victoire, c.1918 (poster)
Crédit Commercial De France Souscrivez Pour La Victoire, c.1918 (poster)

LIS2651347: Crédit Commercial De France Souscrivez Pour La Victoire, c.1918 (poster), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Poster for “La journée du poilu - 25 et 26 décembre 1915
Poster for “La journée du poilu - 25 et 26 décembre 1915

MTL194783: Poster for “La journée du poilu - 25 et 26 décembre 1915", 1915 (lithograph), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The trench exit for attack, 1915 (litho)
The trench exit for attack, 1915 (litho)

STC407197: The trench exit for attack, 1915 (litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The Wire Cutter, 1916 (colour litho)
The Wire Cutter, 1916 (colour litho)

PNP701834: The Wire Cutter, 1916 (colour litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

French machine-gun crew (colour litho)
French machine-gun crew (colour litho)

PNP701837: French machine-gun crew (colour litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

A Cross Roads Shelling of Ammunition Trains, 1927 (litho)
A Cross Roads Shelling of Ammunition Trains, 1927 (litho)

STC1123852: A Cross Roads Shelling of Ammunition Trains, 1927 (litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Night Bombing by Aeroplanes on a Road near Soissons, 1927 (litho)
Night Bombing by Aeroplanes on a Road near Soissons, 1927 (litho)

STC1123855: Night Bombing by Aeroplanes on a Road near Soissons, 1927 (litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Consoling (oil on canvas)
Consoling (oil on canvas)

XIR231785: Consoling (oil on canvas), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images

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