Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) Assets (60 in total)
On the beach. Painting by Lucien Jonas (1880-1947), oil on wood 1920, French art, 20th century. Musee la piscine, Roubaix., Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images
The Equitable Trust Company of New York - Emprunt National 5% 1920 - Souscrivez!, 1920 (poster), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images
First World War (1914-1918): "Charge à la baionette en septembre 1914", 1914 (oil on canvas), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images
French sniper using ad hoc periscope attache to rifle to keep his head below the parapet, 1916 (colour litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images
The final rush. Painting by Lucien Jonas (1880-1947), oil on canvas 1905, French art, 20th century. Musee la piscine, Roubaix., Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images
In front of the ramparts of Verdun - in “The great French virtues”” by Lucien Hector (Lucien-Hector) Jonas (1880-1947), v.1916, Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images
'The Intruder': what billeting of German Soldiers often means to French and Belgian Villagers, from 'The Illustrated War News', 1916 (litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images
How France mobilised her industrial resources for making munitions: pointing shells for '75's' in a private factory, from 'The Illustrated War News' (litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images
Les watteurs (Soldiers francaises de la grande guerre) dans les trchees - in “” Les grandes virtutus francaises”” by Lucien Hector (Lucien-Hector) Jonas (1880-1947), v.1916, Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images
French soldier using a specially adapted sniper's rifle with periscope in the trenches, World War I, 1916 (colour litho), Jonas, Lucien Hector (1880-1947) / Bridgeman Images