Held, John (Junior) (1889-1958) Assets (7 in total)

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1925 New Year's cover of JUDGE magazine epitomizes the Roaring Twenties. Men and women travel in cars without chaperones, while they smoke, drink, and wear gaudy makeup. Illustration by John Held
1925 New Year's cover of JUDGE magazine epitomizes the Roaring Twenties. Men and women travel in cars without chaperones, while they smoke, drink, and wear gaudy makeup. Illustration by John Held

EVB2933505: 1925 New Year's cover of JUDGE magazine epitomizes the Roaring Twenties. Men and women travel in cars without chaperones, while they smoke, drink, and wear gaudy makeup. Illustration by John Held, Held, John (Junior) (1889-1958) / Bridgeman Images

John Held (1889-1958) drawing, satirizing prohibition, with caption,
John Held (1889-1958) drawing, satirizing prohibition, with caption,

EVB2932428: John Held (1889-1958) drawing, satirizing prohibition, with caption, "So long as the dry farce lasts, a girl who sips ice-water is looked upon as 'freezing the party,'" For 1928 publication in Harper's Bazaar, Held, John (Junior) (1889-1958) / Bridgeman Images

Front cover of McClure's Magazine, August 1927 (colour litho)
Front cover of McClure's Magazine, August 1927 (colour litho)

BAD2149847: Front cover of McClure's Magazine, August 1927 (colour litho), Held, John (Junior) (1889-1958) / Bridgeman Images

Manhattan Skyline (watercolour over pencil on off-white paper)
Manhattan Skyline (watercolour over pencil on off-white paper)

IMA1561299: Manhattan Skyline (watercolour over pencil on off-white paper), Held, John (Junior) (1889-1958) / Bridgeman Images

Then We Went to The Silver Slipper, 1931, from 'The Flesh is Weak' by John Held Jr. (pen & ink on illustration board)
Then We Went to The Silver Slipper, 1931, from 'The Flesh is Weak' by John Held Jr. (pen & ink on illustration board)

DAM184696: Then We Went to The Silver Slipper, 1931, from 'The Flesh is Weak' by John Held Jr. (pen & ink on illustration board), Held, John (Junior) (1889-1958) / Bridgeman Images

John Held (1889-1958) drawing, with caption,
John Held (1889-1958) drawing, with caption,

EVB2932423: John Held (1889-1958) drawing, with caption, "How to handle wild men and really serious things like that." For 1928 publication in Harper's Bazaar, Held, John (Junior) (1889-1958) / Bridgeman Images

Dancers in evening attire, 1915 (drawing)
Dancers in evening attire, 1915 (drawing)

EVB2936199: Dancers in evening attire, 1915 (drawing), Held, John (Junior) (1889-1958) / Bridgeman Images

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