Held, John (Junior) (1889-1958)

Creator details

Held, John (Junior) (1889-1958)

Assets (7 in total)

1925 New Year's cover of JUDGE magazine epitomizes the Roaring Twenties. Men and women travel in cars without chaperones, while they smoke, drink, and wear gaudy makeup. Illustration by John Held
John Held (1889-1958) drawing, satirizing prohibition, with caption,
Front cover of McClure's Magazine, August 1927 (colour litho)
Manhattan Skyline (watercolour over pencil on off-white paper)
Then We Went to The Silver Slipper, 1931, from 'The Flesh is Weak' by John Held Jr. (pen & ink on illustration board)
John Held (1889-1958) drawing, with caption,
Dancers in evening attire, 1915 (drawing)

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