ICA4884006: L'Assiette au Beurre, number 59, Satirique en Couleurs, 1902_5_17: “” A pleniere indulgence, since you have decided your husband to take care of the elections.” - Anticlericalism - Eg dominatrix, Indulgences - Devot/Parroissien, Cures (lithograph), Jossot, Henri Gustave (1866-1951) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4884184: L'Assiette au Beurre, number 59, Satirique en Colours, 1902_5_17: “” Above all, deliver me good goods!... Impossible to operate the divine mystery of Transsubstantiation with Bercy's wine.” - Anticlericalism, Alcoholic Alcohol - Cures (lithograph), Jossot, Henri Gustave (1866-1951) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4891095: L'Plate au Butter, number 169, Satirique en Colours, 1904_6_25: “” Decore du apron de travail intellectuel, vous vous vous voici devenu worker de intelligence”” - Franc maconnerie - Illustration by Gustave-Henri Jossot (Jossot) (1866-1951), Jossot, Henri Gustave (1866-1951) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4883975: L'Assiette au Beurre, number 59, Satirique en Couleurs, 1902_5_17: “” Mister the pantheist, you will never make me believe that the good god is in my poop” - Anticlericalism - Hostie/Transubstanciation, Heros anticlerical - Monks (lithograph), Jossot, Henri Gustave (1866-1951) / Bridgeman Images