ICA4891370: L'Plate au Butter, number 169, Satirique en Couleurs, 1904_6_25: “” Son of true light, detenteurs of absolute truth, we claim the monopoly of teaching”” - Anticlericalism, Franc Maconnerie - Teaching, Catholicism = other religions, Obscurantism - Jesuites - Illustration by Gustave-Henri Jossot (Jossot) (1866-1951), Jossot, Henri Gustave (1866-1951) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4891122: L'Assiette au Beurre, number 169, Satirique en couleurs, 1904_6_25: “” A worker cannot enter the building, become a boss if you want to be apprentice.” - Social, Franc Maconnerie, Smoking, Building - Worker, Boss/Bourgeois (lithograph), Jossot, Henri Gustave (1866-1951) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4884206: L'Plate au Butter, number 59, Satirique en Couleurs, 1902_5_17: “” For there was no one among them who lived in indigence (Acts of the Apotres, 4:34)” - Anticlericalism - Cupidite/Avarice - Cures - Illustration by Gustave-Henri Jossot (Jossot) (1866-1951), Jossot, Henri Gustave (1866-1951) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4883903: L'Plate au Butter, number 59, Satirical en Colours, 1902_5_17: “” Our trunk of St. Peter produced only six hundred francs this year, we will have reproaches of Rome.”” - Anticlericalism - Cupidite/Avarice, Rome/Vatican, Religious Indifference, Failure of the Church - Cardinals, Cures - Illustration by Gustave-Henri Jossot (Jossot (Jossot (Jossot T) (1866-1951), Jossot, Henri Gustave (1866-1951) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4890053: L'Assiette au Beurre, number 163, Satirique en Couleurs, 1904_5_14: “” I believe in the regligion because it is absurd (credo quia absurdum)”” - Anticlericalism, Religion - Antireligious, Betity of religious, Credulite - Cures (lithograph), Jossot, Henri Gustave (1866-1951) / Bridgeman Images