Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) Assets (92 in total)

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Marie Antoinette (1755-93), 1762 (oil on canvas)
Marie Antoinette (1755-93), 1762 (oil on canvas)

XAM88343: Marie Antoinette (1755-93), 1762 (oil on canvas), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

The Chocolate Girl, c.1744 (pastel on vellum)
The Chocolate Girl, c.1744 (pastel on vellum)

SKD74156: The Chocolate Girl, c.1744 (pastel on vellum), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Self Portrait Smiling, c.1770-73 (oil on canvas)
Self Portrait Smiling, c.1770-73 (oil on canvas)

XIR77968: Self Portrait Smiling, c.1770-73 (oil on canvas), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Maria Adelaide of France in Turkish costume, 1753 (oil on canvas)
Maria Adelaide of France in Turkish costume, 1753 (oil on canvas)

LRI4623774: Maria Adelaide of France in Turkish costume, 1753 (oil on canvas), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Mary Gunning, Countess of Coventry, 1749 (pastel on paper)
Portrait of Mary Gunning, Countess of Coventry, 1749 (pastel on paper)

XIR196204: Portrait of Mary Gunning, Countess of Coventry, 1749 (pastel on paper), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Count Wenzel Anton Kaunitz (pastel on vellum)
Portrait of Count Wenzel Anton Kaunitz (pastel on vellum)

CH937868: Portrait of Count Wenzel Anton Kaunitz (pastel on vellum), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Monsieur Levett and Mademoiselle Helene Glavany in Turkish Costumes, 1738-42  (oil on canvas)
Monsieur Levett and Mademoiselle Helene Glavany in Turkish Costumes, 1738-42  (oil on canvas)

XIR155313: Monsieur Levett and Mademoiselle Helene Glavany in Turkish Costumes, 1738-42 (oil on canvas), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria, 1762 (pastel)
Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria, 1762 (pastel)

XAM66712: Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria, 1762 (pastel), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Joseph II (1741-90) Holy Roman Emperor and King of Germany, 1762
Joseph II (1741-90) Holy Roman Emperor and King of Germany, 1762

XAM88336: Joseph II (1741-90) Holy Roman Emperor and King of Germany, 1762, Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Turkish Woman with a Tambourine (oil on canvas)
Turkish Woman with a Tambourine (oil on canvas)

XIR77969: Turkish Woman with a Tambourine (oil on canvas), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Richard Pococke in oriental costume, 1738
Richard Pococke in oriental costume, 1738

XTD68581: Richard Pococke in oriental costume, 1738, Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

The Fourth Earl of Sandwich (oil on canvas)
The Fourth Earl of Sandwich (oil on canvas)

AGN35518: The Fourth Earl of Sandwich (oil on canvas), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Self Portrait, 1744 (pastel on paper)
Self Portrait, 1744 (pastel on paper)

BEN53998: Self Portrait, 1744 (pastel on paper), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Marie Adelaide of France in Turkish costume, 1753 (oil on canvas)
Marie Adelaide of France in Turkish costume, 1753 (oil on canvas)

XAL886604: Marie Adelaide of France in Turkish costume, 1753 (oil on canvas), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Leopold II (1747-92) Holy Roman Emperor and Grand-duke of Tuscany, 1762
Leopold II (1747-92) Holy Roman Emperor and Grand-duke of Tuscany, 1762

XAM88342: Leopold II (1747-92) Holy Roman Emperor and Grand-duke of Tuscany, 1762, Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-1780), 18th century (pastel)
Portrait of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-1780), 18th century (pastel)

FIA5409588: Portrait of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-1780), 18th century (pastel), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Self Portrait (pastel on paper)
Self Portrait (pastel on paper)

SKD216207: Self Portrait (pastel on paper), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Charles VI (1685-1740) Holy Roman Emperor, father of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-80) 1762 (posthumous portrait)
Charles VI (1685-1740) Holy Roman Emperor, father of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-80) 1762 (posthumous portrait)

XAM88339: Charles VI (1685-1740) Holy Roman Emperor, father of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-80) 1762 (posthumous portrait), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

La Sultane Lisant', A Lady in Turkish Costume Reading on a Divan,  (oil on canvas)
La Sultane Lisant', A Lady in Turkish Costume Reading on a Divan,  (oil on canvas)

CH827696: La Sultane Lisant', A Lady in Turkish Costume Reading on a Divan, (oil on canvas), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Maria Josepha of Bavaria second wife of Joseph II (1741-90) Holy Roman Emperor
Maria Josepha of Bavaria second wife of Joseph II (1741-90) Holy Roman Emperor

XAM88346: Maria Josepha of Bavaria second wife of Joseph II (1741-90) Holy Roman Emperor, Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

George, Prince of Wales (later George III) 1754 (pastel on vellum)
George, Prince of Wales (later George III) 1754 (pastel on vellum)

ROC409945: George, Prince of Wales (later George III) 1754 (pastel on vellum), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Still Life: Tea Set, c.1781-3 (oil on canvas mounted on board)
Still Life: Tea Set, c.1781-3 (oil on canvas mounted on board)

XOS3077045: Still Life: Tea Set, c.1781-3 (oil on canvas mounted on board), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Marie Fargues, wife of the artist in Turkish costume, 1756-58 (pastel on parchment)
Portrait of Marie Fargues, wife of the artist in Turkish costume, 1756-58 (pastel on parchment)

XOS1121279: Portrait of Marie Fargues, wife of the artist in Turkish costume, 1756-58 (pastel on parchment), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

The Chocolate Girl, c.1744 (pastel on vellum) (see also 74156)
The Chocolate Girl, c.1744 (pastel on vellum) (see also 74156)

SKD4429311: The Chocolate Girl, c.1744 (pastel on vellum) (see also 74156), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Archduchess Maria Caroline of Austria (1752-1814) daughter of Emperor Francis I (1708-65) and Emperor Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-80) 1762
Archduchess Maria Caroline of Austria (1752-1814) daughter of Emperor Francis I (1708-65) and Emperor Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-80) 1762

XAM88335: Archduchess Maria Caroline of Austria (1752-1814) daughter of Emperor Francis I (1708-65) and Emperor Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-80) 1762, Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

A Dutch Girl at Breakfast, c.1756 (oil on canvas)
A Dutch Girl at Breakfast, c.1756 (oil on canvas)

XOS3545888: A Dutch Girl at Breakfast, c.1756 (oil on canvas), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Maria Isabella of Parma, first wife of Joseph II Holy Roman Emperor (1741-90) 1762
Maria Isabella of Parma, first wife of Joseph II Holy Roman Emperor (1741-90) 1762

XAM88345: Maria Isabella of Parma, first wife of Joseph II Holy Roman Emperor (1741-90) 1762, Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Maria Frederike van Reede-Athlone at Seven Years of Age, 1755 (pastel on vellum)
Portrait of Maria Frederike van Reede-Athlone at Seven Years of Age, 1755 (pastel on vellum)

XOS1765297: Portrait of Maria Frederike van Reede-Athlone at Seven Years of Age, 1755 (pastel on vellum), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Children blowing bubbles (pastel)
Children blowing bubbles (pastel)

XAM77340: Children blowing bubbles (pastel), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

A Gentleman Seated on a Couch
A Gentleman Seated on a Couch

PFA59612: A Gentleman Seated on a Couch, Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-80) 1762
Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-80) 1762

XAM88337: Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717-80) 1762, Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Emperor Joseph / Josef
Emperor Joseph / Josef

XLA3768610: Emperor Joseph / Josef, Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Presumed portrait of Laura Tarsi in Turkish dress (bodycolor on ivory)
Presumed portrait of Laura Tarsi in Turkish dress (bodycolor on ivory)

CH3823127: Presumed portrait of Laura Tarsi in Turkish dress (bodycolor on ivory), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Lady, Half Length, in a Pink and White Dress, (pastel)
Portrait of a Lady, Half Length, in a Pink and White Dress, (pastel)

CH659180: Portrait of a Lady, Half Length, in a Pink and White Dress, (pastel), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1754 (pastel on paper)
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1754 (pastel on paper)

ROC409944: Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1754 (pastel on paper), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

Lady Fawkener, c.1760 (pastel on vellum)
Lady Fawkener, c.1760 (pastel on vellum)

CVN872293: Lady Fawkener, c.1760 (pastel on vellum), Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89) / Bridgeman Images

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