Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89)

Creator details

Liotard, Jean-Etienne (1702-89)

Assets (92 in total)

Marie Antoinette (1755-93), 1762 (oil on canvas)
The Chocolate Girl, c.1744 (pastel on vellum)
Self Portrait Smiling, c.1770-73 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Mary Gunning, Countess of Coventry, 1749 (pastel on paper)
Maria Adelaide of France in Turkish costume, 1753 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Count Wenzel Anton Kaunitz (pastel on vellum)
Monsieur Levett and Mademoiselle Helene Glavany in Turkish Costumes, 1738-42  (oil on canvas)
Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria, 1762 (pastel)
Joseph II (1741-90) Holy Roman Emperor and King of Germany, 1762
Turkish Woman with a Tambourine (oil on canvas)
Richard Pococke in oriental costume, 1738
The Fourth Earl of Sandwich (oil on canvas)

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