Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) Assets (3757 in total)
Projected into the void by a battle while standing on the bell tower, the sacristan (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
A very violent fire has developed, due to a blaze that started from an engine (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
An airplane from the Paris-London freight service suddenly caught fire and crashed (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
A burning ship spotted off the coast of Nice, the Livorno steamer bound for Genoa flocked (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The Plebiscite Of The Year XII - Shining Evenings in Milan, in the Gallery (Colour Litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
For the sudden collapse of the floor in the crowded room of a trattoria in Guardia Vomano (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
While he was running at 200 kilometers per hour, between two wings of crowds, in a race near Paris (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Thousands of young people, the flower of the Italian people, gathered by the welfare works throughout (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The Duce attends the naval exercises of the Year XII, a magnificent show of strength for (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
On the anniversary of the birthday of Vittorio Emanuele III, the Duce reviewed the Armed Forces of Rome (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
To the heroic guests, the enthusiastic greets of Bari to the wounded Serbian officers (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The war at three thousand meters, nuclei of our skiers destroy two blockhouses by means of mines (Colour Litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
While an enemy counterattack is outlined, machine guns (colour litho) come into action in the trenches of the Sharpshooters, Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
How do you refuel the advanced positions, high in the mountains, a cableway system for (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The alarm in the enemy camp, the wire cutters, discovered by the rockets, engage in combat (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
How an air raid was punished, the end of an Austrian airplane hit by our fire (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
A daring aerial bombing, one of our airships launches 40 grenade-torpedo boats on Riva's military works (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Before the action, the offices of an army command, while preparing an operation (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The barbarian Austrian preparations for the offensive of the Lower Soča, suffocating gas cylinders (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Between the peaks of Monte Chiesa and Monte Campigoletti (more than 2000 meters away) the Alpines break through three (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Italian Gorizia, The entry of the victorious troops into the conquered city (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images