Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945)

Creator details

Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945)
Achille Beltrame was an Italian artist born in 1871 in Milan. He was a painter, illustrator, and caricaturist who gained fame for his satirical drawings and political cartoons. Beltrame studied at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan and later worked as a cartoonist for several newspapers and magazines, including Il Corriere della Sera and La Domenica del Corriere. He was known for his ability to capture the essence of his subjects with a few simple lines, and his work often featured political figures and social issues of the time. Beltrame's illustrations were widely popular, and he became one of the most influential artists of his time. He died in 1945, leaving behind a legacy of artistic excellence and social commentary that continues to inspire artists today.

Assets (3757 in total)

Mary Richardson (1889-1961) Canadian suffragette activist cuts with a knife the painting “The Rokeby Venus”” by painter Don Diego VELASQUEZ in a room at the National Gallery in London. Illustration by Achille Beltrame for “” La domenica del corriere””. 1914.
Benito Mussolini  acclaimed by the people, 1934 (colour litho)
The Duce announces to Italy and the world the intervention in the war (colour litho)
How was the impossible possible, that is, the theft from the Louvre of the portrait of Mona Lisa by … (colour litho)
The great demonstrations against Gioliticism, Gabriele d'Annunzio speaks to the people of Rome, in the Costanzi Theater (colour litho)
The Remains of the Campanile in Venice, which collapsed in 1902, from 'La Domenica del Corriere', 27th July 1902 (colour litho)
The discovery of the sarcophagus, still intact, of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Ill. d'A. Beltrame.
All the Empire's territories are occupied (colour litho)
The Duce vibrates the first strike of a pickaxe to clear the area destined for the Mole Littoria that … (colour litho)
The Sad Departure From GenoThe Sad Departure From Genoa Of Farmers From Upper Italy Emigrating To America. Illustration for La Domenica del Corriere, 8 December 1901 (lithograph) goes By Peasants From Upper Italy Emigrating to America (colour litho)
Women voted for the first time in England. 1919. Illustration of A. Beltrame. La Domenica del Corriere.
Abd al-Aziz (al-Hasan Mohamed al-Hasani al-Alaoui) entered Rabat in Morocco in October 1907 (Marrakesh, 1878 in Tangier, 1943). Sultan Alaouite from Morocco (1894-1908). illustration by Achille Beltrame for the Domenica del Corriere.

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