Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) Assets (3757 in total)
Challenge between sailors on an Italian and an American warship in Shanghai (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The Lombard pilgrimage to the Vatican, the ladies admitted to the hand kiss by the Pontiff (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The President of the French Republic grants the insignia of the Legion of Honor to a dead hero (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The great demonstration made to the King of Italy after the games in the Athens Stadium (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The launch of the great battleship Roma in the arsenal of Spezia, on the 21st current (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The ceremony for the presentation of the newborn heir to the Spanish throne (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The King inaugurates the Vth shooting competition in Rome, firing the first shot (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Alpine tragedies, the death of two Milanese mountaineers in the Dauphiné Alps (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Attempted assault on the Archbishopric of Reggio, priests and seminarians reject the attackers from the roof (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The triumphal entry of the winners of the Beijing-Paris raid in the Milan Arena, on the 16th current (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The war on Morocco, the killing of Commander Provost during a reconnaissance east of Casa Blanca (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Escape of a recluse from the train and the courage of two police who threw themselves out of the windows to reach him (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Eight thousand farmers near Bari invade vast expanses of land considered state-owned, replacing the owners (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The trial against former Minister Nasi in Rome, the accused goes to the Senate building for judgment (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The charity walk in Milan in which 35,367 lire were collected for damaged by (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Everyday Life in Russia, Bomb Attack on Moscow Governor, General Holschelmann (Colour Litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Pitiful Christmas, children pushed against a showcase of Christmas toys in Berlin and wounded by broken glass (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Royal motherhood, Queen Elena attends children's visits to a dispensary in Rome (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The Night Knights returning from a vengeance, in Kentucky, against non-unionist tobacco growers (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The fight between a Boa Constrictor and the orderlies of a zoo to free the caretaker (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Agrarian strike in Parmesan, how strikers try to prevent the departure of cattle (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The Anglo-French fleet destroys the Dardanelles forts at a distance to force the straits (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The Austrian fortress in Przemysl surrenders after 5 months of struggle, officers led to the district (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Moved and indignant at the end of Lusitania, the people of London attack and devastate the property of the Germans (Colour Litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The Italian army is on the march, the unjust border disappears, the emblems of the enemy fall (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The war from above, one of our airships launches bombs on the Divaccia railway junction, producing serious damage (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The wiles of war, four Italians capture thirteen Austrians, making them believe they are (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
How do you direct an action, Gen Cadorna, the Duke of Aosta, the Count of Turin and Gen Porro (colour litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Very modern war, our people throw grenades by hand in the enemy trenches a few meters away (color litho), Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images