Haghe, Louis (1806-85) Assets (47 in total)

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Afghanistan: 'The City of Kandahar', 1842 (lithograph)
Afghanistan: 'The City of Kandahar', 1842 (lithograph)

PFH5845955: Afghanistan: 'The City of Kandahar', 1842 (lithograph), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Colossal Figures In Front Of The Great Temple Of Aboo-Simbel. 1842-1846 (engraving)
Colossal Figures In Front Of The Great Temple Of Aboo-Simbel. 1842-1846 (engraving)

KWE7212163: Colossal Figures In Front Of The Great Temple Of Aboo-Simbel. 1842-1846 (engraving), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Pulpit in St. Gudule, Brussels, Sheet 5 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)
Pulpit in St. Gudule, Brussels, Sheet 5 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)

WAG451538: Pulpit in St. Gudule, Brussels, Sheet 5 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Altar in the Cathedral, Ratisbone, Sheet 8 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)
Altar in the Cathedral, Ratisbone, Sheet 8 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)

WAG451541: Altar in the Cathedral, Ratisbone, Sheet 8 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

The funeral of the Duke of Wellington (coloured engraving)
The funeral of the Duke of Wellington (coloured engraving)

LLJ602542: The funeral of the Duke of Wellington (coloured engraving), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Sir Thomas Fairbairn handing over the address to the Prince Consort at the Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, May 1857 (pencil, w/c & gouache on paper)
Sir Thomas Fairbairn handing over the address to the Prince Consort at the Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, May 1857 (pencil, w/c & gouache on paper)

MAN3066467: Sir Thomas Fairbairn handing over the address to the Prince Consort at the Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, May 1857 (pencil, w/c & gouache on paper), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Calton Bridge: zinc lithograph, nd [1826] (print)
Calton Bridge: zinc lithograph, nd [1826] (print)

WSL5896973: Calton Bridge: zinc lithograph, nd [1826] (print), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Brewers' Corporation Room, Antwerp, Sheet 1 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)
Brewers' Corporation Room, Antwerp, Sheet 1 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)

WAG451534: Brewers' Corporation Room, Antwerp, Sheet 1 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Wolseley Hall: steel engraving, nd [c 1830] (print)
Wolseley Hall: steel engraving, nd [c 1830] (print)

WSL5898935: Wolseley Hall: steel engraving, nd [c 1830] (print), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Eccleshall Church: lithograph, nd [c 1840] (print)
Eccleshall Church: lithograph, nd [c 1840] (print)

WSL5897337: Eccleshall Church: lithograph, nd [c 1840] (print), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Interior of St. Peter's, Rome, 1867 (pencil & w/c on paper)
Interior of St. Peter's, Rome, 1867 (pencil & w/c on paper)

XZL151197: Interior of St. Peter's, Rome, 1867 (pencil & w/c on paper), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

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