Haghe, Louis (1806-85) Assets (47 in total)

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Great Exhibition, 1851: interior
Great Exhibition, 1851: interior

SC27793: Great Exhibition, 1851: interior, Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Exterior of St. Peter's, Rome, from the Piazza, 1868
Exterior of St. Peter's, Rome, from the Piazza, 1868

BAL39901: Exterior of St. Peter's, Rome, from the Piazza, 1868, Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Funeral of the Duke of Wellington, 18th November 1852, pub. 1853 (Colour lithograph)
Funeral of the Duke of Wellington, 18th November 1852, pub. 1853 (Colour lithograph)

STC5055702: Funeral of the Duke of Wellington, 18th November 1852, pub. 1853 (Colour lithograph), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

A performance of Macbeth in the Rubens Room, Windsor Castle, 4 February 1853 (w/c & bodycolour with gum arabic over pencil on paper)
A performance of Macbeth in the Rubens Room, Windsor Castle, 4 February 1853 (w/c & bodycolour with gum arabic over pencil on paper)

ROC409974: A performance of Macbeth in the Rubens Room, Windsor Castle, 4 February 1853 (w/c & bodycolour with gum arabic over pencil on paper), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

The Ballroom, Buckingham Palace, 17th June 1856 (w/c on paper)
The Ballroom, Buckingham Palace, 17th June 1856 (w/c on paper)

ROC5942440: The Ballroom, Buckingham Palace, 17th June 1856 (w/c on paper), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

St. Bavon, Ghent, 1867 (w/c over pencil on paper)
St. Bavon, Ghent, 1867 (w/c over pencil on paper)

PFA196021: St. Bavon, Ghent, 1867 (w/c over pencil on paper), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

The Medieval Court of the Great Exhibition of 1851
The Medieval Court of the Great Exhibition of 1851

CW19225: The Medieval Court of the Great Exhibition of 1851, Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Screen in the Church of Aerscot, Sheet 2 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)
Screen in the Church of Aerscot, Sheet 2 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)

WAG451535: Screen in the Church of Aerscot, Sheet 2 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Church of St. Sebald, Nuremberg, Sheet 12 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)
Church of St. Sebald, Nuremberg, Sheet 12 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)

WAG451544: Church of St. Sebald, Nuremberg, Sheet 12 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

A Convivial Meeting of the Brewer's Corporation, Antwerp (w/c heightened with gum arabic on paper)
A Convivial Meeting of the Brewer's Corporation, Antwerp (w/c heightened with gum arabic on paper)

LST379824: A Convivial Meeting of the Brewer's Corporation, Antwerp (w/c heightened with gum arabic on paper), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Transept of the Crystal Palace, 1851 (coloured litho)
Transept of the Crystal Palace, 1851 (coloured litho)

STC61938: Transept of the Crystal Palace, 1851 (coloured litho), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

The Bell Ringers at the Oratory of the Capucines, Bruges
The Bell Ringers at the Oratory of the Capucines, Bruges

SC14898: The Bell Ringers at the Oratory of the Capucines, Bruges, Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Duke of Wellington's Funeral in St. Paul's Cathedral, 1852 (litho)
Duke of Wellington's Funeral in St. Paul's Cathedral, 1852 (litho)

GHL26679: Duke of Wellington's Funeral in St. Paul's Cathedral, 1852 (litho), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Elizabethan Interior
Elizabethan Interior

CBE36197: Elizabethan Interior, Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Confessional Church of St. Paul, Antwerp, Sheet 4 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)
Confessional Church of St. Paul, Antwerp, Sheet 4 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)

WAG451537: Confessional Church of St. Paul, Antwerp, Sheet 4 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

The Young Artist (oil on canvas)
The Young Artist (oil on canvas)

BOW111882: The Young Artist (oil on canvas), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Baptism, 1860 (w/c and gouache)
Baptism, 1860 (w/c and gouache)

CBE85823: Baptism, 1860 (w/c and gouache), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Alton 'Abbey' (now Alton Towers): lithograph, nd [1806-1885] (print)
Alton 'Abbey' (now Alton Towers): lithograph, nd [1806-1885] (print)

WSL5896518: Alton 'Abbey' (now Alton Towers): lithograph, nd [1806-1885] (print), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Heidelberg (servants and courtiers on the marble porch of a castle), 1850 (colour litho)
Heidelberg (servants and courtiers on the marble porch of a castle), 1850 (colour litho)

WAG451540: Heidelberg (servants and courtiers on the marble porch of a castle), 1850 (colour litho), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Wolseley Hall: lithograph over tint, nd [1806-1885] (print)
Wolseley Hall: lithograph over tint, nd [1806-1885] (print)

WSL5898938: Wolseley Hall: lithograph over tint, nd [1806-1885] (print), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Ilam Hall - Candelabra: lithograph, 1832 (print)
Ilam Hall - Candelabra: lithograph, 1832 (print)

WSL5897330: Ilam Hall - Candelabra: lithograph, 1832 (print), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Handsworth Church: lithograph, nd [1806-1885] (print)
Handsworth Church: lithograph, nd [1806-1885] (print)

WSL5897802: Handsworth Church: lithograph, nd [1806-1885] (print), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

The Fish Market at Portico d'Ottavia, Rome, 1874 (w/c & bodycolour on paper)
The Fish Market at Portico d'Ottavia, Rome, 1874 (w/c & bodycolour on paper)

CBE198639: The Fish Market at Portico d'Ottavia, Rome, 1874 (w/c & bodycolour on paper), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

The 1745 Fancy Ball at Buckingham Palace, 1845 (w/c & gouache on paper)
The 1745 Fancy Ball at Buckingham Palace, 1845 (w/c & gouache on paper)

ROC833352: The 1745 Fancy Ball at Buckingham Palace, 1845 (w/c & gouache on paper), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Tomb of the Merodes Family, Gheel, Sheet 6 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)
Tomb of the Merodes Family, Gheel, Sheet 6 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)

WAG451539: Tomb of the Merodes Family, Gheel, Sheet 6 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Well of Quentin Matsys, Antwerp, Sheet 1 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)
Well of Quentin Matsys, Antwerp, Sheet 1 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)

WAG451542: Well of Quentin Matsys, Antwerp, Sheet 1 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Mr Power as Corporal O'Connor in the opera 'Broken Promises', 1826 (lithograph)
Mr Power as Corporal O'Connor in the opera 'Broken Promises', 1826 (lithograph)

XJF3037859: Mr Power as Corporal O'Connor in the opera 'Broken Promises', 1826 (lithograph), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Eccleshall Village: lithograph (tinted in buff), nd [1806-1885] (print)
Eccleshall Village: lithograph (tinted in buff), nd [1806-1885] (print)

WSL5897393: Eccleshall Village: lithograph (tinted in buff), nd [1806-1885] (print), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Lichfield Cathedral  - South West View: tinted lithograph, 1548 (print)
Lichfield Cathedral  - South West View: tinted lithograph, 1548 (print)

WSL5897530: Lichfield Cathedral - South West View: tinted lithograph, 1548 (print), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

The funeral of the Duke of Wellington; the procession leaving Apsley House (engraving)
The funeral of the Duke of Wellington; the procession leaving Apsley House (engraving)

LLJ607328: The funeral of the Duke of Wellington; the procession leaving Apsley House (engraving), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Stalls of the Church of St. Gertrude, Louvain, Sheet 11 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)
Stalls of the Church of St. Gertrude, Louvain, Sheet 11 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)

WAG451543: Stalls of the Church of St. Gertrude, Louvain, Sheet 11 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cathedral of St Maurice, Vienne (ink & pencil & w/c on paper)
Cathedral of St Maurice, Vienne (ink & pencil & w/c on paper)

TW1213873: Cathedral of St Maurice, Vienne (ink & pencil & w/c on paper), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Eccleshall Village: lithograph (tinted in buff), 21 Apr 1843 (print)
Eccleshall Village: lithograph (tinted in buff), 21 Apr 1843 (print)

WSL5897390: Eccleshall Village: lithograph (tinted in buff), 21 Apr 1843 (print), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Stafford - St. Mary's Church: lithograph, 1841 (print)
Stafford - St. Mary's Church: lithograph, 1841 (print)

WSL5898279: Stafford - St. Mary's Church: lithograph, 1841 (print), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

Tomb of De Lalaing Hoogstragt, Sheet 3 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)
Tomb of De Lalaing Hoogstragt, Sheet 3 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho)

WAG451536: Tomb of De Lalaing Hoogstragt, Sheet 3 from 'Haghe's Portfolio of Sketches: Belgium, Germany', c.1845-55 (colour litho), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

A Visit to the Cathedral (w/c on paper)
A Visit to the Cathedral (w/c on paper)

PNH353241: A Visit to the Cathedral (w/c on paper), Haghe, Louis (1806-85) / Bridgeman Images

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