Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) Assets (429 in total)

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Pied avocet, Recurvirostra avocetta
Pied avocet, Recurvirostra avocetta

FLO6338256: Pied avocet, Recurvirostra avocetta, Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Black grouse, Tetrao tetrix
Black grouse, Tetrao tetrix

FLO6338308: Black grouse, Tetrao tetrix, Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Crimson topaz, Topaza pella
Crimson topaz, Topaza pella

FLO6338362: Crimson topaz, Topaza pella, Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Long-tailed tit or long-tailed bushtit, Aegithalos caudatus, and red-necked grebe, Podiceps grisegena
Long-tailed tit or long-tailed bushtit, Aegithalos caudatus, and red-necked grebe, Podiceps grisegena

FLO6338115: Long-tailed tit or long-tailed bushtit, Aegithalos caudatus, and red-necked grebe, Podiceps grisegena, Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Coal tit, Parus ater, and bearded reedling, Panurus biarmicus
Coal tit, Parus ater, and bearded reedling, Panurus biarmicus

FLO6338121: Coal tit, Parus ater, and bearded reedling, Panurus biarmicus, Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Sedge warbler, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, and European crested tit, Lophophanes cristatus
Sedge warbler, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, and European crested tit, Lophophanes cristatus

FLO6338160: Sedge warbler, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, and European crested tit, Lophophanes cristatus, Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Eurasian blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus, and European goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis
Eurasian blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus, and European goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis

FLO6338118: Eurasian blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus, and European goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis, Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Rosy starling, Pastor roseus, and Atlantic puffin, Fratercula arctica
Rosy starling, Pastor roseus, and Atlantic puffin, Fratercula arctica

FLO6338063: Rosy starling, Pastor roseus, and Atlantic puffin, Fratercula arctica, Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Pine grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator
Pine grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator

FLO6338068: Pine grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator, Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Eurasian treecreeper, Certhia familiaris, and Eurasian nuthatch, Sitta europaea
Eurasian treecreeper, Certhia familiaris, and Eurasian nuthatch, Sitta europaea

FLO6338044: Eurasian treecreeper, Certhia familiaris, and Eurasian nuthatch, Sitta europaea, Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Red crossbill, Loxia curvirostra
Red crossbill, Loxia curvirostra

FLO6338065: Red crossbill, Loxia curvirostra, Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Lesser pettychaps, hippolay motacilla. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Lesser pettychaps, hippolay motacilla. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612630: Lesser pettychaps, hippolay motacilla. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Bar-tailed godwit, Limosa lapponica. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Bar-tailed godwit, Limosa lapponica. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612654: Bar-tailed godwit, Limosa lapponica. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Cirl bunting, Emberiza cirlus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Cirl bunting, Emberiza cirlus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612661: Cirl bunting, Emberiza cirlus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Northern wheatear, Oenanthe oenanthe. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Northern wheatear, Oenanthe oenanthe. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612706: Northern wheatear, Oenanthe oenanthe. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Spotted flycatcher, Muscicapa striata. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Spotted flycatcher, Muscicapa striata. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612721: Spotted flycatcher, Muscicapa striata. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Red knot, Calidris canutus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Red knot, Calidris canutus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612763: Red knot, Calidris canutus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Wagel gull, young of the great black-backed gull, Larus marinus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Wagel gull, young of the great black-backed gull, Larus marinus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612771: Wagel gull, young of the great black-backed gull, Larus marinus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

House martin, Delichon urbicum, perched on top of a chimney. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
House martin, Delichon urbicum, perched on top of a chimney. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612772: House martin, Delichon urbicum, perched on top of a chimney. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Purple sandpiper, Calidris maritima. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Purple sandpiper, Calidris maritima. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612794: Purple sandpiper, Calidris maritima. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

White stork, Ciconia ciconia. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
White stork, Ciconia ciconia. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612805: White stork, Ciconia ciconia. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Common snipe, Gallinago gallinago, catching a worm. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Common snipe, Gallinago gallinago, catching a worm. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612815: Common snipe, Gallinago gallinago, catching a worm. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Ruff, Philomachus pugnax, female. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Ruff, Philomachus pugnax, female. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612879: Ruff, Philomachus pugnax, female. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Common teal, Anas crecca, male. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Common teal, Anas crecca, male. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612896: Common teal, Anas crecca, male. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Golden oriole (female), Oriolus oriolus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Golden oriole (female), Oriolus oriolus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612932: Golden oriole (female), Oriolus oriolus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Great grey shrike (female), Lanius excubitor. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Great grey shrike (female), Lanius excubitor. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612974: Great grey shrike (female), Lanius excubitor. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Rook, Corvus frugilegus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Rook, Corvus frugilegus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612977: Rook, Corvus frugilegus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Red grouse, Lagopus lagopus scotica. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Red grouse, Lagopus lagopus scotica. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612983: Red grouse, Lagopus lagopus scotica. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Eurasian foot-white woodcock, Scolopax rusticola. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Eurasian foot-white woodcock, Scolopax rusticola. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4612989: Eurasian foot-white woodcock, Scolopax rusticola. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Bar-tailed godwit (female), Limosa lapponica. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Bar-tailed godwit (female), Limosa lapponica. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4613005: Bar-tailed godwit (female), Limosa lapponica. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Red grouse (female), Lagopus scotica. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Red grouse (female), Lagopus scotica. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4613016: Red grouse (female), Lagopus scotica. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Canada goose, Branta canadensis. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Canada goose, Branta canadensis. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4613053: Canada goose, Branta canadensis. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

American wood duck (female and young). Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
American wood duck (female and young). Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4613057: American wood duck (female and young). Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Gadwall (male), Anas strepera. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Gadwall (male), Anas strepera. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4613072: Gadwall (male), Anas strepera. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Swan goose, Anser cygnoides, vulnerable. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Swan goose, Anser cygnoides, vulnerable. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4613105: Swan goose, Anser cygnoides, vulnerable. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Greylag goose, Anser anser. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.
Greylag goose, Anser anser. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless.

FLO4613135: Greylag goose, Anser anser. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images

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