FLO4614379: Longspine snipefish, Macroramphosus scolopax (Snipe or trumpet fish, Centriscus scolopax). Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his Natural History of British Fishes, Donovan and F.C. and J. Rivington, London, 1802-1808., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4613477: Wood grouse, Tetrao urogallus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4613486: Hobby, Falco subbuteo, with one foot on a dead bird. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4613516: Lesser or little tern, Sternula albifrons. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own “Natural History of British Birds,” London, 1794-1819. Edward Donovan (1768-1837) was an Anglo-Irish amateur zoologist, writer, artist and engraver. He wrote and illustrated a series of volumes on birds, fish, shells and insects, opened his own museum of natural history in London, but later he fell on hard times and died penniless., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4614526: East Atlantic peacock wrasse, Symphodus tinca (Ancient wrasse or old wife, Labrus tinca). Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his Natural History of British Fishes, Donovan and F.C. and J. Rivington, London, 1802-1808., Donovan, Edward (1768-1837) / Bridgeman Images