ELD4834772: Agar (Hagar) and his son Ismael (Ishmael), in the desert after being hunted by Abraham Plate taken from “The holy life”” illustrated by Andre edouard (AE) Marty (1882-1974) 1938 - “Agar (Hagar) and her son Ismail (Ishmael), in the desert after being expelled by Abraham” Illustration by AE Marty from “” The Holy Life””, 1938 - Private collection, Marty, Andre Edouard (1882-1974) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4834832: Jesus Almighty Benching the Fidels' Plate from “The Holy Life”” illustrated by Andre edouard (AE) Marty (1882-1974) 1938 - “Jesus omnipotent blessing the faithful people” Illustration by AE Marty from “The Holy Life””, 1938 - Private collection, Marty, Andre Edouard (1882-1974) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4832984: Adam et Eve au Jardin d'Eden Plate taken from “” La vie sainte””” illustrated by Andre edouard (AE) Marty (1882-1974) 1938 - “” adam and eve in the garden of Eden”” Illustration by AE Marty from “” La vie sainte”””, 1938 - Private collection, Marty, Andre Edouard (1882-1974) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4832994: The Ark of Noe sail on the waves after the deluge, the dove brings back the olive branch Plate taken from “” La vie sainte””” illustrated by Andre edouard (AE) Marty (1882-1974) 1938 - “Noah's Ark floating on the waves after the flood, the dove brought the olive branch” Illustration by AE Marty from “La vie sainte”, 1938 - Private collection, Marty, Andre Edouard (1882-1974) / Bridgeman Images