ELD4834790: The rest of the holy family in Egypt, Mary and the child Jesus, the carpenter Joseph leans against the tree called the tree of Mary Plate taken from “The holy life”” illustrated by Andre Edouard (AE) Marty (1882-1974) 1938 - “” Rest of the Holy Family in Egypt, Mary and the child Jesus, the carpenter Joseph against the tree called Mary's tree”” by AE Marty from “” Holy Life””, 1938 - Private collection, Marty, Andre Edouard (1882-1974) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4833048: The return of Josue and Caleb with a huge bunch of grapes from the land of Canaan (Promised Land) Plate taken from “The holy life”” illustrated by Andre edouard (AE) Marty (1882-1974) 1938 - “The return of Joshua and Caleb of Canaan (the Promised Land) with a bunch of grapes” Illustration by AE Marty from “La vie sainte”, 1938 - Private collection, Marty, Andre Edouard (1882-1974) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4832909: Jericho's trumpets The city walls of Jericho collapsed with the passage of Israelites playing seven chofars for seven days by carrying the alliance ark”” Plate taken from “The Holy Life”” illustrated by Andre edouard (AE) Marty (1882-1974) 1938 - “” Trumpets of Jericho”” “” The city walls of Jericho collapsed to the passage of the israelites sounding trumpets and bearing the ark of the covenant”” Illustration by AE Marty from “The Holy Life”””, 1938 - Private collection, Marty, Andre Edouard (1882-1974) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4832941: Representation of Absalom (or Avshalom, Absalon), son of David, in the forest of Ephraim, his hair is caught in the branches of an oak Plate taken from “The holy life”” illustrated by Andre edouard (AE) Marty (1882-1974) 1938 - “” Representation of Absalom (or Absalom, Absalom), son of David, in the forest of Ephrom Aim, her hair caught in the branches of an oak”” Illustration by AE Marty from “The Holy Life””, 1938 - Private collection, Marty, Andre Edouard (1882-1974) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4832964: The Queen of Sheba before Solomon (The Queen of Sheba before Solomon) Plate taken from “The Holy Life”” illustrated by Andre Edouard (AE) Marty (1882-1974) 1938 - Illustration by AE Marty from “The Holy Life””, 1938 - Private collection, Marty, Andre Edouard (1882-1974) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4833088: The prayer in the garden of olive trees Plate from “” La vie sainte”” illustrated by Andre edouard (AE) Marty (1882-1974) 1938 - “” The prayer in the Garden of Gethsemani”” Illustration by AE Marty from “” La vie sainte”””, 1938 - Private collection, Marty, Andre Edouard (1882-1974) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4834663: The parable of the egaree ewe brought back by the shepherd who left his herd of 99 sheep Plate taken from “” La vie sainte”” illustrated by Andre edouard (AE) Marty (1882-1974) 1938 - “” Parable of the Lost Sheep, a shepherd leaves his flock of 99 sheep in order to find the one sheep who is lost” Illustration by AE Marty vie Marty from “La saint””, 1938 - Private collection, Marty, Andre Edouard (1882-1974) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4833011: The sacrifice of Abraham The angel holds the hand of Abraham before the sacrifice of his son Isaac - Plate taken from “The holy life”” illustrated by Andre edouard (AE) Marty (1882-1974) 1938 - The sacrifice of Abraham - the angel holds the hand of Abraham before he sacrificed his son Isaac - Illustration by AE Marty from “The holy life””, 1938 - Private collection, Marty, Andre Edouard (1882-1974) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4834772: Agar (Hagar) and his son Ismael (Ishmael), in the desert after being hunted by Abraham Plate taken from “The holy life”” illustrated by Andre edouard (AE) Marty (1882-1974) 1938 - “Agar (Hagar) and her son Ismail (Ishmael), in the desert after being expelled by Abraham” Illustration by AE Marty from “” The Holy Life””, 1938 - Private collection, Marty, Andre Edouard (1882-1974) / Bridgeman Images